boardsadvancedKlandaght (Mountain Lion)
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drawn in 10 hours 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 15, 2004)
...While outside in the cold distance
a wild cat did growl
Two riders were approachin'
and the wind began to howl...

Bob Dylan - "All Along the Watchtower"

DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 15, 2004)
drawn in 3 hours 27 min
davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2004)
most people just keep a dog or a couple hamsters...y'all need some really durable furniture for THIS kinda housecat lol..a Texas Tabby nice one nailed that "predatory stare" they do...
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Mar 15, 2004)
lol davin, I hate cats.. (for pets that is) I spot these occasionally around here while hunting..(or they are hunting me?) when I take my boat out and hike into the cliffs. They are fascinating and scary. I can't wait to put a scope on one of these babies! ;) edit: I really woudn't shoot one unless I had to :)
dixielandcutie (Mar 15, 2004)
lookin real good safar dba. cant wait to see it done :)
thug (Mar 15, 2004)
ooooo...these are BEAUTIFUL animals, I give them alot of respect. we have them in the mountains of NC. good start on this one DBA.
staci (Mar 16, 2004)
you're unfinished? weowie!
mazi (Mar 16, 2004)
awesome. i love the.. eyebrows? i guess? makes him/her look really concentrated.
leola (Mar 16, 2004)
I like the eyes. Hurry and finish it.
fleeting_memory (Mar 16, 2004)
ok good-no shooting baby mountain lions-this is very nice, like davinci said you got the predator stare down. That, I dont care what the hell you think cause I can rip you to friggin shreads, look. Hehe this one looks pissed, like when my cat Lance gets put outside for being bad. I love this-keep going
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Mar 16, 2004)
drawn in 6 hours 34 min
Whew! That wasn't the easiest thing I ever did.

Oh yeah, btw... "Klandaght" is what the Cherokee call the mountain lion. It means Lord of the Forest.
davincipoppalag (Mar 16, 2004)
cant beleive how accurate you did that face... (here comes the old pain in the ass)..I would like the body a bit sharper.....runs..........>>>>
thug (Mar 16, 2004)
tis great how the whiskers go from dark to light
dixielandcutie (Mar 17, 2004)
lol@ davinci... nuthin new to add except, nice job! very purdy, but i wouldnt want to run into it >.<
staci (edited Mar 17, 2004)
id like to say that:
1. im very pleased that hardly anyone else capitalizes the word at the beginning of a sentence..and use iffy punctuation. i feel much less like a retard now.
2. is it just me or do the ears look cupped upward? thats not how they are right? im asking because i honestly dont know. looks like when you play with your dogs ears ya know and you turn them inside out and laugh while they walk around all funny looking and stuff..ya know? haha? mkay.
davincipoppalag (Mar 17, 2004)
lol optical illusion...if you stare at it..they do.. then if you look at the fur..they dont.. cool..
staci (edited Mar 17, 2004)
ok i think i figured out how it can be fixed if she wanted to..take the darker line out from the bottom part of each ear where the off white lip/edge meets the bronze colored part and instead just make it a transition from bronze to off white ...not necessarily a gradual one but just rather than that darker line-ish. maybe. but yeah sometimes it doesnt looked cupped.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Mar 17, 2004)
They are exactly as they are supposed to be... they are able to cock their ears at that angle. It is something they do when they become predatory and aggressive. One of the fascinating things about them. In some photographs I have seen of them, one ear will even be cocked upward and the other outward. (In this one, his left ear is actually cocked up from the back of his head inward more than his right one... his right one is almost in between stages.) Strange, I know, but an accurate depiction.

I considered doing them the other way, but I thought it was more interesting like this... I couldn't decide if it would disturb ppl and take away from the essence of him.. perhaps it has, maybe I'll change it, I don't know. Does it bother anyone else? (It would be extremely easy to change if it is disturbing)
davincipoppalag (Mar 17, 2004)
mountain lions are supposed to be disturbing! ;p;
Kasha (Mar 17, 2004)
wow...meow! This is neat. So real, I like the wiskers >:3
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