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Axil62 (Mar 2, 2004)
Why did someone delete her first pic here? It was done on the beginner board, 13 min, lookedbetter than a good deal of the crap that's on there now. This is probably her first and last time here. I want to share what she had to say to me in a memo "I did it on the beginner board....newcomer board even. Cripes...it was my first damn drawing. Screw this site and these people if this is what it's going to be like. I have better things to do and other ways of expressing myself with my art. "
I don't blame her one bit. You motherfuckers really piss me off sometimes. |
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Zappo (edited Mar 2, 2004)
the mushroom pic right?...i saw it..and it did look begginer worthy...hmmmm idunno im with you man
edit: check the point history in the studio |
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Knockoff (Mar 2, 2004)
The picture wasn't that bad, though this is now way you should be acting.
Yea I'v gotten drawing deleted, and I just ysy ok and go on. Its not that hard. |
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marcello (Mar 2, 2004)
I just checked out the picture, and I can understand why it was deleted (the ellipse tool, probably)... and yea, it does look a lot better than a good deal of the crap that's on there now, so I'm gonna go delete some stuff now.
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Axil62 (Mar 2, 2004)
Might wanna remove the elips tool for future newcomers then huh? Yaeh,,,wouldn't want anyon going nuts and using the tools....no sireee bob.
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Minitsaru (edited Mar 2, 2004)
marcello can be mean some times, but than again, making some one mad to get something you want never works... tho i do agree the pic she drew was cool and i dont see why it had to be deleted.
on a side note, which one is the ellipse tool? |
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marcello (Mar 2, 2004)
I'm not the one who deleted it. =P
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staci (Mar 2, 2004)
i have a pic FULL of elipsesesseses. someone better see about deleting it.
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marcello (Mar 2, 2004)
I was half tempted, but it looked good...
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 2, 2004)
Okay, okay, everything's gonna be fine. *hands Axil a stiff drink and turns up the A/C*
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ky (Mar 3, 2004)
If she or you doesn't like the site, leave.
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brushes4 (Mar 3, 2004)
axils stuff, like many others here, makes me feel good, gives me pleasure, sometimes makes me lol ie: the mashed potatoes and sax man, his sisters draw was intersting and probably what she felt like drawing,,experimenting with a new site...i wasnt highly impressed but i surley didnt think it was crap(kinda reminded me of an experience with mushrooms i had many years ago lol...dba? make that 2 stiff drinks and some nugent.... and axil...(and sis) dont leave....hit the play on the randy newman tape and lets hop things go back to ummmm normal?
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dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
if axil left this site *didnt see his sister's before it got deleted but im sure shes really cool too* it would be a huge loss. his stuff has some of the most variety, creativity and consistancy of amazingness on the whole site...
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davincipoppalag (edited Mar 3, 2004)
<I agree with Dixie.. and..some of the stuff i see left on the boards is worse than any perception of that picture.. (including a couple of mine)...not much reason to delete anything on beginning boards in my opinion... isnt that what its for? (is waiting for the "just because you drew it doesn't mean you have to submit it" quote) PS. the Mush Rooms piccy is still on the board.. it Says its her first ..???
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dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
thanks davinci...didnt know it had come back...;p
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marcello (Mar 3, 2004)
Well, they do take up space, and that's not unlimited.
I undeleted the picture not long after axil went postal on his pictures. Feel free to look at it. |
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davincipoppalag (Mar 3, 2004)
..well there is the space thing... I saw it was back.. thanks
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 3, 2004)
Maybe it would be a good rule for the mods to be kinda lenient on first-timer's (maybe comment tactfully to read the rules on their pic and stuff) because you could lose some really entertaining artists by rushing to judgment - If my first picture had been deleted, I would have gone away crying and never come back. Hey, Sis! Don't go anywhere!
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davincipoppalag (Mar 3, 2004)
and.. Ax please come back and draw.. I look so forward to new Axil pics....
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 3, 2004)
Yes, please, Axil... pretty please?!
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marcello (Mar 3, 2004)
Maybe it would be a good rule for the mods to be kinda lenient on first-timer'snot a bad idea, it's somewhat implemented already, but not set in stone. I sent a note to the mod a bit back. |
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method3 (Mar 3, 2004)
I think most of the mods use pretty good judgement... I still do not understand the attachment people have to their pieces. It's not that the moderators hate you and your work and decide to delete your stuff or anything like that (most of the time). Just because 1 piece gets deleted by some moderator doesn't mean that your art career is over or that people here will hate you because one of your things got deleted. You let 1 piece stop you from ever posting again here or something? Okees....
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dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
Well, I see your point, but it certainly isn't a very encouraging thing when your first picture gets deleted. Not only are most newcomers unaware of all the rules, but they also probably wouldn't even understand where the picture went. Therefore if you use the first picture as a teaching point, and maybe explain that next time it will be deleted (and where to find information about that) it would be helpful. I don't think that people necessarily feel so attached to their work, as they feel the need to defend themselves. So if you take the initial negativity and agression out of the equation, a lot of problems may be solved. Just a thought though...
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 3, 2004)
Dixie has it right on the money about not even knowing what happened to the pic if it's your first time, and using it as an example, and maybe then even delete it after their second pic, because the space is still an issue. I personally think that overall, the Mod Squad does a pretty fair job of patrolling, enforcing and upholding the rules and standards fairly here. And you just can't please everyone. I do see how people can be attached to their work... when I have sold paintings, even when I was commissioned to do them, or even given them to people I dearly love, part of me goes with it. That's because part of me goes into everything I do and it goes along with my work. I wouldn't equate a 5 minute drawing by an 11 yr. old on the beginner's board here as the same thing, though. (Even though I think they should be given a chance as well) Anyway, meth, if you don't understand ppl being attached to their work, that's my reason.
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method3 (Mar 3, 2004)
Hrm... ever take an art class where you work on something for 4 hours with 2 10 minute breaks only to produce something that really... sucked? Ever throw away a large portfolio worth of drawings and shit? Ever have an entire semester's work of digital art (~30 gigs of semi-large scaled work) lost due to harddisk failure? I'm just noting the fact that although you might have a few real prized pieces, things aren't exactly permanent here just like IRL. You're entrusting the 2draw team with your work when you submit it.
While I totally agree with the "huh? what happened to my picture?" part, this site is really designed to help people who have read through the rules and faqs and have had gone through the whole process of drawing on this site. It kinda surprises me because to me it seems like it should take several attempts to be able to get to the point where you can post keepable material. Maybe just having a forced redirection for people who have just registered to the rules and faqs and such would help with this problem. I just can't help but say, "Hey, wake up. Welcome to the real world... shit happens." |
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dixielandcutie (Mar 3, 2004)
Just because shit does happen, doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to help it. : ) Have an awesome day.
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method3 (Mar 3, 2004)
Hrm... that's true. With this case, I think it was a borderline picture, but certainly I can see cause for deletion.
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Axil62 (Mar 3, 2004)
So if I walk up to someone and say "You suck, get out of my way dumbass" it should be ok, they should understand, because hey, shit happens. Yeah, I think that is how it works. People don't mind, or at least they shouldn't. And if they do get offended we can always say "Whoa, what's your problem? All I did was insult you for no reason... get over it asshole." That way they'll see how silly they were being and not mind so much.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Mar 3, 2004)
Uhuh, yeah, right. And not exactly, meth, but I've got closets full of unfinished canvases (and finished crap I intended to paint over with Gesso and re-do but never have) I have painted and drawn more crap than anything else, and of course some of it felt good to trash.
The forced re-direction thing might sound good to you, but I can tell you it won't work to enforce the rules on first time drawers. Those people will just go away. Maybe that's what you want, and if that's it... well, it will work. I say you should warn them on the pic, tell them the next one has to be longer in duration and of better quality, or it, and this, picture will be deleted from the site. If they dont like or can't handle that, then they should probably leave, anyway. But hey, what do I know? I'm not even a member of the Mod Squad (lol) - I'm still new here. I still do believe a kind and tactful manner of doing things would benefit the site more than hey, you suck, your drawing sucks, so *poof* be off with ya. I believe most of the mods already do it in the tactful manner, but, yeah, i guess shit happens. Then when it does somebody's usually gotta clean up the mess. edit: Oh yeah, and nothing is permanent - not here or anywhere. Ever seen an art gallery burn to the ground? |
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marcello (Mar 4, 2004)
I can't say I have. Not that I don't believe it could happen. I mean, with what some people consider art. ;-)
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method3 (Mar 4, 2004)
I never said the mods go out of their way to delete stuff. If something gets deleted because a moderator didn't think it was good quality then it was up to the moderator to make the decision. We don't go out of the way to fuck shit up and then just say "shit happens". But hey, if that's your skewed opinion, then that's fine with me.
Also, are you saying that people simply will not read the rules, or they will read them and ignore them or something? I don't see how they will just go away... I mean, if they're ignoring the rules how does that encourage us to accept their first pieces and just keep telling them to spend more time or whatever if they've ignored the rules about posting in the first place? Will this work, I mean are you saying they just aren't remembering specific rules or something? As far as I'm concerned, this mess is already cleaned up, I mean the picture's back. People've commented on it, way more than most people normally comment on first time pieces. What more do you want? How about the community starts giving feedback into what to do and what not to do for every newcomer here. I don't think I see many people commenting on first pieces other than quick, usually unhelpful comments. |
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davincipoppalag (Mar 4, 2004)
then perhaps you need to make more helpful comments to newcomers? just a thought..
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Axil62 (Mar 4, 2004)
"We don't go out of the way to fuck shit up and then just say 'shit happens' ". "Hey, wake up. Welcome to the real world... shit happens." What? 2. Also, are you saying that people simply will not read the rules, or they will read them and ignore them or something? I don't see how they will just go away... I mean, if they're ignoring the rules how does that encourage us to accept their first pieces and just keep telling them to spend more time or whatever if they've ignored the rules about posting in the first place? Will this work, I mean are you saying they just aren't remembering specific rules or something? Exactly what rule was violated? 3. "I don't think I see many people commenting on first pieces other than quick, usually unhelpful comments." All she wanted was a comment. |
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method3 (Mar 4, 2004)
1. I'm not sure how to make this more clear... if something of yours is deleted, the point is that a mod did not go out of his/her way to delete your picture. There is obviously some reason as to why the mod did not think that picture was worth while. If a mistake was on a borderline case, usually Marcello is nice enough to resurrect the piece. So what's the problem with this again?
2. As I already mentioned on the picture itself, the picture looked mostly like an experiment with the tools, not an actual well put together piece. Perhaps that, as well as the fact that each edit was ~10 or so minutes, was what the mod thought the picture was in violation of, but of course I don't know why it was actually deleted. 3. Then by all means, this is certainly a way to get people to comment on your picture I guess. There are betters ways then making such a fuss over such a trivial matter. |
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Axil62 (edited Mar 4, 2004)
You are trivial. You think she arranged to have it deleted in order for all this to happen so she could get comments? You fucking moron.
sal (Mar 4, 2004)
is DejaView commin back?
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Axil62 (Mar 4, 2004)
I talked to her on the phone this morning, she said no thanks.
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staci (Mar 4, 2004)
aw shucks.
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method3 (Mar 4, 2004)
Sarcasm obviously being lost on you... "All she wanted was a comment"... ok. She got some comments. If she didn't get any comments for her effort, then so what? A bunch of stuff doesn't get comments. Again, deal with it and move on.
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Axil62 (Mar 4, 2004)
3. Then by all means, this is certainly a way to get people to comment on your picture I guess. There are betters ways then making such a fuss over such a trivial matter. Saying something stupid and then trying to pawn it of as sarcasm. BZZZZZZZZT!! oh so sorry, thank you for playing. Tell him about the nice parting gifts Jay! |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 4, 2004)
Tea, anyone?
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marcello (Mar 5, 2004)
I'll take some, will help my cold. ;)
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