anyway that you could make the head slightly bigger.That would be perfect! and maybe she's sitting in a chair inside a bar....mmmmm......yes! ^_^ i love this drawing! can't wait to see it finished!^_^
ok, dba, you're right, she prolly isn't a real cowgal. prolly more likely a pampered princess. i prefer my women sans calluses anyway. Harlie, as far as making the head bigger, not too sure at this point. i might have to just redraw the head all together if the concensus is that it's too small. and if she is sitting in a bar, she sure knows how to dress for the occasion. davinci, i checked out your gallery. i really like your boats alot. and dixie, thanks for the encouragement. you might remember me from inklink. i'm ~JJ~ (used to be I_like2do_drawrings). good to see ya here.
wetcanvas (edited Mar 1, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
[color:red]ATTN: Moderator[/color] sorry to bother, but I seem to have run out of space and i need a little more to complete this. this is my first 2draw work so i didn't realize how quickly the space would be used. thanks for your help.
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drawn in 50 min
drawn in 10 min
drawn in 25 min
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 1 hour 10 min