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davincipoppalag (Feb 21, 2004)
Do you lose more points for deleting a crap picture yourself..or if it is deleted by a mod.....
sal (Feb 21, 2004)
deleted by i mod i think... if they delete it u tend to lose double the points u first got.... but if u delete it u only lose the points u got 4 the image in the first place...
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concannon (Feb 21, 2004)
You only lose points if we select the point deduction check box when deleting a picture.
Which is usually the case. |
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marcello (Feb 21, 2004)
That is not quite true. When something is deleted, no matter who deletes it or how, you lose the points you originally got for the picture. That is to say, if you get 5 points for posting, and you delete it, you lose the 5 points, it is as if you never posted it in the first place, as far as points are concerned.
If a moderator deletes it, they'll take an additional 5 points off for their trouble. So you lose the 5 points you originally got, and a 5 point penalty. So you have only actually lost 5 points from when you started. But it is all explained in the how points work article. So why did you not read that first? |
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davincipoppalag (Feb 21, 2004)
because I didnt notice it... as you know..there is ALOT to see on this site....
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marcello (Feb 21, 2004)
Well it does say "read about how points work" right next to where it tells you that you lost points. So if you are looking at your points, you gotta be blind not to see that...
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ky (Feb 21, 2004)
I think the points system is pure idiocy in either case. It's like competing with something that neither requires nor should have any competition.
But that's my opinion that doesn't even fit in with the question. davincipoppalag: You should just read everything on the site. Click all the links, read all the news articles, read all the FAQ, et cetera, et cetera. |
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marcello (Feb 21, 2004)
the points system makes moderating very straight forward. this way you don't have along the lines of "ok, let me just ban this guy because I hate him," but rather, "lemme just delete everything this guy has so he gets banned, beacuse I hate him."
Makes it a lot easier to keep track on someone's reputation. For example, a bastard like you could get stuff a ton of stuff deleted, but you won't be banned since you have so many points... |
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davincipoppalag (edited Feb 21, 2004)
I have selective vision like most people...I dont always focus on everything thats printed on the page...it may be right next to how points work..but that doesnt mean I saw it..... not everyone was born with a mouse in their hand... there was no call to be rude... I'm new..and I was curious.. and didnt see the link...
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Xodiak (Feb 22, 2004)
Every time a drawing is deleted, I cry... <:~(
|XOD| |
sal (Feb 23, 2004)
i feel your pain...
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