Hmm, I really like the iris, but the eyelid outline seems kinda off.The bottom left region of the eye also kind of curves upwards in a human eye.Not dramatically but slightly.Also there seems to be too much of the eyeball showing through the face.I'd say the ratio of an eye is usually 50:50 with the iris and the whiteness in the eye.And usually eyes look more realistic if you don't draw a definite bottom center line that runs right below the iris.Anyways, I just thought you might want some tips on how to make an eye for future reference^^.It's nice overall though.
These kind of comments are just silly Gigandas... it's like if everyone would like to draw like you, or to reproduce a photograph. I like it the way it is.
i dont think they are silly at all. seems like perfect constructive critism to me. there space to post comments for a reason..not just to say "wow" and "awesome" right?
Uh, pix, nobody is supposed to draw like anybody.Notice that it's called "art"?Do you know what art means exactly^^;;?It means everyone has their own style.I'm giving advice, that's all.I'm on the artist's side whenever I give critiques.Always.Advice is different from grabbing someone's hand and being like "THIS IS HOW YOU DRAW" and draw the picture for them^^;.Besides, it is up to the artist whether to take the advice.I just want to see everyone's full potential, don't you?
drawn in 34 min