Holy s*it. I think he just pierced my brains with those eyes.
I must say, although as a fan of Sonic, that this pretty much sucks. What, it does, just look at it! The lineart is shaky and pixelated, colours are just plain shadeless matter (no perspective, see?) and those awful, awful eyes...
Hopefully this was meant to be another prank by the spammers, but if it isn't, don't be too depressed over my negative feedback. Use time and patience to create some skills.
drawn in 22 min
I must say, although as a fan of Sonic, that this pretty much sucks. What, it does, just look at it! The lineart is shaky and pixelated, colours are just plain shadeless matter (no perspective, see?) and those awful, awful eyes...
Hopefully this was meant to be another prank by the spammers, but if it isn't, don't be too depressed over my negative feedback. Use time and patience to create some skills.
would like to agree with you goten......but the lines are squigley