boardsbeginnerSamurai <Unfinished>
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 2 hours 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
IceMan450 (Feb 9, 2004)
I was just messing around, drawing a random person and this is what eventually came of it. I found out that Its very hard to draw hair with a mouse.
IceMan450 (Feb 9, 2004)
drawn in 2 hours 9 min
dixielandcutie (Feb 9, 2004)
wow iceman...really good job on the shading! maybe still more contrast between your lights and darks...and something going on in the background? anyway, very good job! cant wait to see it finished! *and something i learned about hair...if you zoom in its easier to make the individual strands...*
IceMan450 (Feb 9, 2004)
drawn in 22 min
Starting the backround. No time to finish, I'll do that a little later.
IceMan450 (Feb 9, 2004)
drawn in 27 min
The sword looked kinda stupid, so I took it out. I might put it back later if I can figure out how to draw one better.
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