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marcello (Feb 4, 2004)
I realize the theme board died a few weeks ago, but in light of recent events, I propose a new theme.
This theme will not have a time limit. It will go until people are sick of it or suggest a better theme. The theme for this indefinite amount of time is to: Copy a Photograph So basically, find a photograph online and copy it. You need to include a link to the original image you are copying. (Save a copy in case the original image disappears.) You need to use the 350x350 image size due to this board restriction. You should also mention if you are using a mouse or a tablet. If you are using a tablet mention if you are using JTablet for pressure sensitivity. |
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method3 (Feb 4, 2004)
Hrm... hrm... hrm... This is a pretty cool idea I guess. Say, are you going to be working on this theme too? Also, here's an idea: maybe we can turn the theme board into more of a contest board... maybe for points?
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Look (Feb 4, 2004)
contest board sounds fun! as for photo copy... *sweat drop* i should give it a try... *behold, the eye sore from LOOK!*
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LightBen (Feb 4, 2004)
Nice idea (though I don't think that the theme board died ... Did you actually shoot that bullet, Marcello ? ^^).
But for this theme ... Copy a photograph ... Errr ok, i'll try ... 0.0 |
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ky (Feb 4, 2004)
Pfft. People already do this to no end. It's so very uncreative. But I can't complain.
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dixielandcutie (Feb 4, 2004)
haha, looks like the great archer really started something after all
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marcello (Feb 5, 2004)
ky: ssh, you'll expose my true intentions!
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joe_shmo (Feb 5, 2004)
i c where he's going with this
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ky (Feb 5, 2004)
Hahaha. Good ol' Marcello.
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Look (Feb 5, 2004)
haha, lol@ Marcello's "true intentions" :P
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method3 (Feb 5, 2004)
On the other hand all these pics that look like they're coming from photos are really starting to bore me. It's not that they're not good, but who the hell wants to stare at portraights and animals all the time? Come on people, draw some crazy stuff with crazy colors! If I wanted to jack off to superbly drawn realism I'd browse deviantart 24/7 for God's sake.
I think we should kill the theme board permanently. |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Feb 6, 2004)
Although I'm terribly afraid to do portrait art myself - I can never get it to where I'm happy with it (probably one reason I admire those so much who do it well) I think this is a great idea. If you are talented enough to re-create in art form a human being to the point that it looks almost exactly like the real image, that is creative...hmm some ppl think the Mona Lisa is good art... Oh, I just realized.. it says photograph.. does that mean of ANYTHING?
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method3 (Feb 7, 2004)
I would just like to point out that the Mona Lisa was not done from a photograph, and if you've ever taken any studio art courses from a live model, you know that copying a photograph and getting something from a real human being is incomparable.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 7, 2004)
Really, I thought he did it from a polaroid... DUH. Yes, and yes. Some ppl just think portrait art (whether from photograph or live) is boring. That really had nothing to do with my point, but okay.
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ky (Feb 7, 2004)
method3, you're a depressing person, and you're ruinging the damn boards. Get lost, or get some anti-anger pills. Americans pop a lot of pills, right?
I can't copy anything for shit, unless it has a lot of lines. Obviously, a key strength of mine is lineart. Damn.... |
ArtMageDreams (Feb 11, 2004)
*rolls eyes at ky* omg! where in the hell did you learn manners! because I guess you didn't comprihind them too well... geesh, there's no point in insulting a fellow artist!
this'd make a great contest board! ^_^ and it make some sense to do a poll monthly.. or maybe weekly.. to get some new theme ideas... *thinks* hn.... *lightbulb comes up and glows above her head* HEY!! I got one! ...how about we do alittle theme sometime of some person/cartoon in a holiday-ish outfit, whatever the artists non-favorite holiday is... or... *lightbulb falls and breaks on her head* damn! maybe I'm a dummy! ...well... LET'S JUST COME UP WITH A NEW THEME!!! *points up* it is not right to pledgerdise someones already made picture... (i.e: "the Mona Lisa" by: Leonado Da Vinci) and besides we might have seen these pictures before... so.. whats the use of drawing them again if their already drawn by someone else... ^^;; |
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method3 (Feb 12, 2004)
If you are talented enough to re-create in art form a human being to the point that it looks almost exactly like the real image, that is creative...hmm some ppl think the Mona Lisa is good art... I should clarify exactly what I was trying pointing out, I don't like the portraight art done here from photos. Portraights and animals are cool if something is happening in the picture. Most pictures from photos that have been done here seem to be still life renditions from pictures of still life. So being creative is taking something from real life (not photo) and interpreting it in a cool way (realism being just one way, but even with realism there's something artistic added to the piece). The point stated above is correct imo in that something is creative when it is rendered to look like something in real life. The Mona Lisa is a work of art because there's still something going on about the piece that is mysterious/interesting. So like I said, if you want to go ahead and pump that shit out, great, like I said above it's not that they're not good. But it's usually not that interesting to look at. Which is why I quote Heinlein: "...art is the process of evoking pity and terror. What modern artists do is pseudo-intellectual masturbation. Creative art is intercourse, in which the artist renders emotional his audience." When we think about art we should be encouraging the creation of intellectual/emotional stimulation, not just doing something that looks cool but has no real value in it except that it was exceptionally reproduced. Sure there's gotta be some pieces out there that are from photos that can do this. This is what deviantart seems to fail to do most times, or they have pieces with clearly overdramatic cliche themes. What was that about your point DeadlyBlondeArcher? Oh, and I didn't realize how high quality the forums at 2draw are, only to be despoiled by my unsightly words. I mean my god, I type grammatically correct English. I try to make sure my words are spelled correctly and that my sentences are coherent. What blasphemy! |
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Harmanye (Feb 18, 2004)
Do shots from, say, TV shows count as a photograph? Perhaps excluding Anime and cartoons and stuff because... eh. Well, it wouldn't make sense.
-simulacra- (Feb 19, 2004)
I'd like to say that I am completely with method3 on the 'copy a photo' side of things, nothing more to add, he ahs said it all. I do, however, think that the theme board is a great idea. I think it would be very interesting to just be given a word or phrase every month, and for people to interpret it any way they like. Seeing how different people interperet the same word or phrase would be fascinating. Right, I'm off to copy a photo...
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Feb 19, 2004)
Actually, Method, in my initial comment which you so colorfully quoted up there said nothing about copying a photograph. It said copying the human form. I meant reproducing it no matter where you are seeing it. I just admire those who are able to do it well, and although it is not the most creative or imaginative form of art, I still believe you can copy a photograph and be creative at the same time. I also hate the Mona Lisa, I think it's flat. Some people like it. Which has nothing to do with copying a photograph and was totally off subject to begin with. (I tend to chase rabbits, you'll have to excuse me.) I personally don't agree with Heinlein. I have no desire to evoke pity or terror with my art. (Not all of it, anyway) I do however, agree that there should be feeling in it, and I will go for a work of art that makes me FEEL something before I go for a well-reproduced photograph. I don't like to copy exact photographs, either, so whatever floats your boat just tickles me pink. :) To each his own. I hope it was not me that you were referring to about the spelling and grammar....Becawse awall of us Texas gerls kin spill butter thin nebody.
I think just a word or phrase would evoke all sorts of inspiration, sim's right. |
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method3 (Feb 19, 2004)
Well I was actually quoting a Heinlein character from Stranger from a Strange Land who is pretty bastardly, I don't have to be terrorized or feel pity to be impressed myself. Anyhow, this topic should be killed, the end. Game over man!
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marcello (Feb 19, 2004)
you'll never take me alive!
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 19, 2004)
Hah! I think we were arguing in agreement, strangely, anyway!
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fleeting_memory (Feb 24, 2004)
aw drat I cant copy pictures-how unimaginative...
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