"Paint BBS" and "Sakura websites, oekaki programs."
buffaww (Feb 3, 2025)
Also I think there are OTHER ASIAN OEKAKI SITES NOW---BUT they seem to be harder to get into--Very [icky about registration,who you are,what you can do
I was going along happily ,and one site suddenly banned me!--"For dirty,immoral art work on their site!" Since I don't DO dirty,immoral art,that surprised me! BANNED! And I had no chance to protest--or ask for proof--they acted like royal kingdoms,"off with her head!" (I you want to know which website,let me know.)But,yes,OTHER art sites know me better than that.--If I did dirty stuff here, we have an "only adult images"--where you can see dirt,or avoid it..
But there seem to be a FEW MORE new oekaki sites to join.--We can't use up ALL the power of ""---we gotta use up OTHER WEBSITES TOO with our magnificent paintings! (Some people here are magnificent.)--Thank you, too,Marcello, for everything on the site--2draw is a great site!--w/great people. ;) =( -/- )=

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