boardsbeginnerI don't like 2Draw anymore...
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
XiLe (Dec 28, 2003)
I understand that moderators have to delete images that aren't all that great, such as a drawing that someone new to the boards made that doesn't really look nice. But do they really have to be so rude towards the people that they delete the entries from? My drawing spirit is officially gone, as you can see in my little comparison... I'm off to find a different board with less inconsiderate moderators.
XiLe (Dec 28, 2003)
drawn in 21 min
tappie_chan (Dec 28, 2003)
i'm sorry that your drawing spirit was crushed. i think that the reason the mods may be a little testy is that the site has been so overwhelmed by spam that they have no patience for it. please understand that effort counts for a lot, and they probably felt that you didn't put any effort into it (obviously i haven't seen the drawing, so i can't say whether i would agree or not). as far as consideration of feelings goes, i have found that this site is excellent in comparison to others that i've seen, and i doubt that even the kindest board would tolerate pollution for very long. as far as your drawing spirit goes, do not be disheartened. take this as a learning experience and an incentive to practice more and put more time and love into your work (and to save it if you like it ^__^). anything worth doing is worth doing well (hontou, ne?). good luck in your search.
marcello (Dec 28, 2003)
9 minute tests being deleted is hardly something to complain about losing... feel free to the read the rules before drawing next time. unless you go to joe shmoe's crappy art oekaki board, most "real" sites will have similar, but generally stricter rules.

you don't have to submit something just because you spent 9 minutes of your life making it. it has to be something people actually want to look at. look at other people's work on all the boards and you should get ideas on the level of effort required.
Lalaland (Dec 28, 2003)
true marcello
sakuradreamityk (Dec 29, 2003)
uh, I have a question. ?_? ok, is that your pic, or did the moderators delete it
marcello (Dec 29, 2003)
if it were deleted, you wouldn't see it.
XiLe (Dec 29, 2003)
I don't mind my drawings being deleted. I understand the mods have to try and figure out which ones had effort and which didn't... all I'm saying is that I'm a little shocked that the moderators above all people are being so rude... my friend noticed the picture was gone and I showed him the comment, and he said that was pretty harsh, and that he once said something along the lines of that to someone and got his comment deleted with a penalty... and no I don't know his username or when he said it, for those of you who were gonna ask.
marcello (Dec 29, 2003)
I agree, that's a bit over the top... maybe the mod who wrote it was pissed off at something?
Hakkai (Dec 30, 2003)
Maybe that Mod was a she.

I apologize for offending you when making that comment. I was having a miserable day, missing someone, and I happened to take it out on you. My feeling for these past few days after seeing this, was guilt and self-loathing.

To prevent me from making another mistake like this again, I request that I be demoted. Take away my moderating powers. Besides, I've outlived my useful-ness! I can't moderate as much as I used to, and the other moderators can, or already have, filled the gap that I have left.

Stick a fork in me, 'cause I'm done.
mazi (Dec 30, 2003)
=O not the fork! anything but the fork!
_Neko_Sama_ (Dec 30, 2003)
I just use this oekaki because I am still looking for a good drawing program that will help me for my website.... Once I get everything sorted out, so long, neko sama! You won't be seeing me anymore...
ky (edited Dec 30, 2003)
What's horrible is that moderators are deleting things just because they don't like it, and not because of effort, time, skill, whatever. They just don't like it, so they trash it. Not to mention, according to Hakkai, moderators are placing feelings before proper judgement, and you simply cannot have moderators like that.

If such were the case, they simply shouldn't be moderators at all. What's more, something like that comes from someone and they are sure to draw something like it again, just because of skill.

What I'm saying is there needs to be a shortage of deletions, and less beginners on the board. Moderators, you need to stop deleting things just because you don't like it, and omit rude comments, if you made them. Marcello, you need to change the rules so that when someone signs up it says 'No Beginners'. Even in caps, if you like. Or do a recognition entry, in which someone has to show you something they've drawn before elsewhere.

Of course, I say 'you need to' in that it sounds like I'm ordering you around. But in truth, I simply wish it were done, as it would not only keep people from having their feelings\spirits hurt, but would also help the moderators in a lesser amount of mediocre art and judgement and such.

But this is my opinion...
Knockoff (Dec 30, 2003)
Yes It is your opinion., But The mods are deleting things like spam and pictures that only have 10 minutes spent into them,. And the timer can lie when your new, they could just keep the window opened when they surf the internet and come back when it says one hour or something and they could of olny spent 5 minutes.!
Thats cheating the system, but why whould anyone wanna do that. =P *shakes head*
ky (Dec 30, 2003)
Just a thought, but maybe that's all someone can do.
marcello (Dec 30, 2003)
I'm not sure I agree about pictures being deleted because they aren't liked. They're being deleted cause they broke the rules. There are very specific guidelines for what moderators delete.
That's not to say I agree with what hakkai did, and the comments tagged with the drawing aren't restricted in any particular way, and perhaps should, but if I look through the logs, it's very fair.
TGgold (edited Dec 30, 2003)
AS a MOD from another board....I went though this problem myself. My advice to Hakkai is to not let it bug you. This person is obviously a newb and doesn't feel like putting effort into his picture. 9 minutes is under time if I'm correct....unless the time limit was changed since I was last here. A MOD doesn't need to be so harsh when saying it, but this artist deserves it. He/She should have been mature enough to acept that a rule was broken and then move on and try harder next time. not past a spammy text message that IMHO should also be deleted due to the fact it's mostly text and it's sole purpose is to make others angry at the board....then agian, I'm not a MOD here, am I?
Gothic_Otaku (Dec 30, 2003)
Well I don't think I agree with either Hakkai or XiLe, but I think comments shouldnt be that harsh but I really think 2draw shouldnt be restricted to beginners, I think if more people were nice enough to help out the beginners rather than yell at them because of their lack of skills I don't think this problem would come up at all. But I've noticed that there are really good artists and really bad artists and a couple inbetween. I gues we have nothing to lose if we help each other out.
If you were patient enough to get to this sentence you get a digital cookie.
ky (edited Dec 30, 2003)
This is an instance where it was a bit overboard. Otherwise, it's usually for a good reason (although I do think some of those reasons aren't right).

Though I wonder why a beginner image was deleted from the beginner board.
There should be beginner board for beginners, and an actual practice board for pratice, using the applet, et cetera.

The Beginner Board:
The main practice board intended for both beginning artists and newcomers to drawing online. This is a great place to get the feel for the applets.

If you have never drawn on 2Draw before, it is highly recommended you start here. However, only submit something because you put some effort into it, and remember that you don't have to submit something just because you drew it.
mazi (Dec 30, 2003)
imnot agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, just like to point out the fact that 2draw has to be paid for. and with every pic on the site theres space and bandwidth. yeah i realize not much per pic, but with tons and tons of spam the site gets it is kinda hard. and it does get really annoying sometimes, having like 30 pics that suck that nobody really wants to look at with no effort. but i do get what ky just said. hm. its kinda hard to make a call there..

eh.. just see my previous ramble on kys pic

i think the problem is not so much lacking skill as not wanting to improve.. not trying new things. in the while ive been on 2draw ive seen like 20 pics that are a blue sky. and an orange sun. done in paintbbs. with the watercolor tool. and like 20 pics of eyes. sometimes if you want improvement, yes practice what others have done 300 times. but thats other peoples art really.. and the more you try different things and experiment the better you get. sorry to point fingers, but knockoff is a prime example. he drew the same head with flat hair and no eyebrows for a a good like 3 months. then he started trying new things and getting creative and hes improved so much. (yeah go look) i mean hes not a pro, but neither are the rest of us. but still you can see where experimenting takes you..

ok done now.
marcello (Dec 30, 2003)
ky: here is the image we're talking about, with a title of "Mess," and a description of "Just a bit of experimentation with OekakiShi... first image I made with it, I just felt like testing different colors and brush styles..."

Now, if you think this image shouldn't have been deleted, let me know.

At the end of your quote, "you don't have to submit something just because you drew it." Just because it's the beginner boards, doesn't mean the rules don't apply. It's just a matter of common sense.

A practice board for just trying the applet already exists, it's called opening the applet and not submitting. And if you do, for some stupid reason, submit it, you can click 'delete' instead of 'submit,' and no one will have to see it.
TGgold (Dec 30, 2003)
Yuu go Marcello! I've had to get that point into the heads of people at BakaNeko X_X
ky (edited Dec 30, 2003)
But why is it you and others are getting so angry? Mazi suggested the idea there's no space for such a thing. But if you're complaining about skill, then there should be a cutback of beginners. I suggested that registration thing, prerequisites, and such. Spam is different. Did XiLe post one, followed by another, and then that one, all of which were 'bad'? If not, then what in the world is wrong with it? I'm simply trying to find the prompt and reason of the action, which I find unfair, but I'm sure there is a way you can explain it to me that will make it so I'm not so ignorant to the idea.

I test. I experiment. One or two of those has been deleted, but I have tons left. Why is this person's much different? I'm sorry I question your ways and actions, but I must know.
TGgold (Dec 30, 2003)
Well....I'm not marcello...but....

The picture had nothing to do with Rhyme and reason. It was a bunch or WC squgles with tones covering it. There wasn't a goal of the picture, or a focus of it either. A picture needs to have a focus and such. Just squggling and submitting isn't acceptable. When i was experimenting with ShiPainter, I tried to make different images with it (ie, I made a baloon to test the WCs, a person to test the line tool, ect. I did them at OC) Spam doesn't need to be constant, it's more used as a term of under-quality work that has no point.

Also, the WC tool in Shi Painter tends to take up a lot of memory....
ky (edited Dec 30, 2003)
It may seem eccentric, but I must ask you how you know that there wasn't a goal? Or rather, what of the artist?
marcello (Dec 30, 2003)
because they only spent 9 minutes on it, that's the point. anyone can post basically the exact same thing, and they do.
Maiko (Dec 30, 2003)
I see a little happy face on the stabbed one (o___o)
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