forums2draw.netChicken paint
elly (Mar 27, 2022)
Does anyone know if it's possible to post drawings from here that were recorded onto youtube?
itchymonkey (Mar 29, 2022)
depends what you mean..
if you mean recorded by chickenpaint, it doesn't do that...
if you mean recorded by some sort of screen recorder, i imagine so.. you'd just need to see what formats youtube takes .. most likely .mp4
elly (edited Jun 3, 2022)
Here's my latest endeavor in my traditional art world... be sure to scroll waaaay down...
dingaling (Jun 21, 2022)
beautiful works Elly.. loved seeing them... so much talent!
elly (Aug 25, 2022)
Thank you so much, dingaling! It's good to know someone checked me site out!
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