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ky (Dec 23, 2003)
Okay, I spent 20 minutes on it.Are you going to tell me it sucks because of the lack of time, or lack of skill? Because if it's lack of skill, then it's just rude and insulting. Should that not be a rule of common courtesy, if not 2Draw? Marcello, you don't need to say anything. I'm asking the members, really.
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drawn in 19 min
Those are the people who spam the boards.
Any ways nice job ky.
10, 20, I could do so much less in an extra 10 minutes.
And some people still call things crap for a single postiture.
Here is an image shunned for 'sucking' that the user had not spammed more.
If people draw but arent that good = dont have a problem with it
But, like someone said a while back, this place isnt for people who dont have any skill at all. Come here when you have some skill in drawing and can draw a properly-shaped fish with a mouse/tablet. For me, its enjoyable to come here and see good pictures, but ones that need serious improvement arent very enjoyable to look at.
Yeah see this is a good one. It's mixed in with others that you took time on. And I am a lover of you and your art Ky, but the head is a bit lopsided, the fingers are a tad wobbly, his neck is a little short, and these could be improved had you spent more time. These are my opinions and that is all. Don't post something you don't want to be judged is one of the things I think people should keep in mind on this issue.
It's still very good though and it screams "Ky" all over it. I adore the wings and colors.
It's suggested, but not stated.
but i love you all anyway ^__^!
well personally i think an art forum kinda setting is a place to post your art to people. people have opinions. they'll say what they want. this saying what they want usually helps push you where you should be. even though we all have different styles, different methods, we can all whack eachother over the head now and then and learn from it. what i dont really get is why post art on a board if you dont want comments.. i mean its a forum.. theres always opencanvas or MSpaint if you wanna sit in your bubble..
on the newbs? i honestly dont care what they do as long as they want to improve. thats a huge aspect to art. learning and expanding what you know to get better and better. no matter how good you get someone will find mistakes. and thats kinda what this is all about isnt it? posting so people will help you improve. not to be all "OMG THAT ROXXORZ!!" or whatever.. i mean yeah sure thats fine if you personally cant see anything wrong with the pic. but everyone has room for improvement. i sure do.
i get what everyones saying. discrimination and yadda yadda. but if people just want to post everything all over the place theres tons and tons of oekaki boards that will accept you. but thats them.. i mean theres tons of oekaki boards with mad crazy rules. with all users above our advanced users. 2draw rules arent that harsh. just dont post spam. put effort into it. 2 really easy things to do. if you take it seriously youd be surprised how far youd go. we all sucked at one point. but why not improve. theres always room to improve. once you get good at one thing, theres a million other things you can do. endless subjects. endless angles. endless color, lines, everything. so keep at it. and work hard. before i open a can of mazi-style whoopass.
theres 2 things that contribute to how well you can draw. 1) natural skill. 2) hard work and practice with effort.. some have no natural skill but can make up with effort. some people dont practice and dont have to work hard every time because they have natual skill. but point being pretty much anyone has potential if you work at it. theres a plethora of tutorials floating around. i post a bunch all the time. go look.
this long ramble has been brought to you by the letter vodka. and the letter s.
the s is for sucks.
[/2 cents]
ah.. nice pic ky. ky flys on his digital wings. *looks dreamy*
though i agree, his head looks kinda squish.
and I mean like in comparison to your usual stuff, this barely compares. if you want someone who can draw something that looks good in 6 minutes, you need to drag porcelain over here. now if only she'd spend more time :)
Thanks for your two cents. They mean a lot and are truthful.
Marcello is mean. ;__;
Marcello. Of course, good man. But I'm demonstrating. It sort of needs to be... what say you... shit? Yes.
mikegreen (i think thats his name) on deviantart said "art is what you make of it."
Some art, well, to me, isnt that great to look at. to others it may be, but to me i like to see (some)skill.