Look at the state of that. A few things worth noting...I think you've been rather generous with the meat portion, and I've not got that much slack foreskin. But It's nice of you to even remember the foreskin at all, me being English and all. You should also add a few extra pounds, because I'm getting a bit of a porker in my old age. Apart from that it's ace. When I saw the thumb, I knew exactly who had drawn it, but it didnt click straight away who's face it was.
The arrows coming out of my bumhole. How do I copy this image so I can post it on my facebook? without having to leave a link to this site...and wheres that other pic where you used my face as a vagina?
drawn in 1 hour 24 min
drawn in 48 min
drawn in 35 min
no I did not Bobby ;)
.ಠ_ರೃ Good day sir.