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drawn in 33 min with Chicken Paint
Black_Bird (Aug 4, 2011)
Black_Bird (Aug 4, 2011)
drawn in 25 min
piglet09 (Aug 4, 2011)
Black_Bird (Aug 4, 2011)
drawn in 7 min
davincipoppalag (Aug 4, 2011)
looks good BB
lori (Aug 4, 2011)
nice work with the subtle shades of gray black and white
shell (Aug 4, 2011)
Do you ever.. ever??.. use a reference that is a photo and not a drawing made by someone else? Whenever I see one of your drawings I can usually tell the drawing it's based on. RMD artists on 2draw, 2draw artists on RMD. I hate to sound like a bitch since it's so unlike me :) but I gotta ask - whyyyy???
shults (Aug 4, 2011)
What's the difference? Don't you think photographers care for it the same way if you use their art?
Black_Bird (edited Aug 4, 2011)

The way I find images for what I draw on here and on RMD is by using google search. I usually type in a few different subjects depending on how I am feeling or what I am thinking at the time. From that, I pick an image that I feel I would enjoy drawing.
Anything that anyone else has drawn is purely co-incidence. You sound bothered by my drawings, which I rarely do on either site so I can hardly see how it makes such an impact to you.

Thanks for the nice comments everyone else! Appreciate it.
shell (Aug 4, 2011)
Not bothered just curious :D Coincidences don't happen all the time, repeatedly, over and over and over and over. You can draw whatever you like and don't have to answer to anyone, I know. I just thought I'd have a shot at finally finding out what the big mystery is. But you keep denying it so nevermind :)
Black_Bird (edited Aug 5, 2011)
There is no mystery because I just explained above the way I find references to draw. I don't doubt there will be people before and after me that have found and will find the same images as I do and have from my simplistic keywords. If you could link the artist to whom you believe I have copied this drawing from that would be appreciated as I am curious now to see their interpretation of the photo.

And here are some drawings I have done from both here and RMD, with the photo reference for each. It is disturbing that a user like shell has made me feel conscience now that I have to prove my integrity to anyone that reads this now instead of her simply PM'ing me with her concern:
Black_Bird (Aug 5, 2011)
So the message you are sending to me by replying like that (instead of just the girl I asked for, which you did, followed by a number of other drawings, all of which I can provide photos of I found), is that once a drawing has been done by someone using a reference pic found on an image search, it cannot be done ever again by anyone else? No matter how many times? What nerve have I hit with you that has you aimed at trying to save the internet from my few and crappy drawings? Do they really make that much of an impact to you?

I'm surprised someone is paying so much attention to my drawings actually, so thanks for that.

But I'm not sorry for doing something I enjoy, which is drawing what I feel like, and if you can't deal with that, then don't reply to any of my drawings ever again unless it is something positive or constructive.
shell (Aug 5, 2011)
Aw :) See but you're being unfair. I did suggest us dropping this when I said "nevermind". The way I see it it's a he said she said situation in which there are no winners and there's basically no solution to it other than agreeing to disagree. But then you had to insinuate I mean spiritedly tried to publicly dishonor you or something to that extent by not having a more private discussion beforehand. I beg to differ, see the way I remember it is I did bring this to your attention before and you replied "Flubbles and Axil62 are a real inspiration to me. Generally when I view their drawings I like the photo they would of used so I go on google image search and search for the photo, doing my own version of it" which I didn't buy but let slide. Going back to current matters, me linking examples of what I thought were evidence of me not making this up was merely brought on by you linking examples to argue your side of the story. You tell yours I tell mine and we each bring arguments to back up our telling otherwise we can just go on and make up all kinds of jiberish that has nothing to do with reality whatsoever. I'm not "out to get you" :) I was just reacting to your reaction but I doubt you'll ever admit to anything so things will just get increasingly aggravating and I think this has been dragged on long enough. Unless you reply with something that will force me to reply back and so on and so forth. But I think it is best to drop it and so I will try very hard to ignore any future impulse to write something back. Happy drawing :D
Black_Bird (Aug 5, 2011)
I did write that actually so I am not sure what it is you think I am not admitting to? Your reply didn't suggest you didn't buy it. In fact I have posted the photo references for a few of them in the links above, so I am not sure what else you are after as proof. Everything I have written above makes perfect sense and I haven't just replied out of opinion. You have made a claim to me copying others works directly, when in fact I have been able to show I go off the original work.

I'd hate to see what you'd be like in a life drawing class. Would you tell the other people drawing a nude person in the same room as you to not do so because you are drawing them?

That would be great if you could leave me alone and find something better to do with your time, because unlike your 'suggestion' I flat out told you, "I'm not sorry for doing something I enjoy, which is drawing what I feel like, and if you can't deal with that, then don't reply to any of my drawings ever again unless it is something positive or constructive." so by all means, ladies first.
Pantera (Aug 5, 2011)
yikes people, just enjoy the drawing, I think it is beautiful, great job BB.
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