boardsbeginnerGeographic Cure:Just Leave!I hate my life!
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drawn in 2 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Jun 1, 2011)
no comment, experiment . Say, this script is so great looking, in wild colors, you could make the wildest greeting or birthday cards on this,burn it on a cd, and get yer printer to print em out. I think a lot of us could make more imaginative, better greeting cards than you could buy.
dorothyblueeyes (Jun 1, 2011)
drawn in 27 min
davincipoppalag (Jun 1, 2011)
its pretty cool
Miss_DJ (Jun 1, 2011)
I like it so far..neat.
Suntan (Jun 1, 2011)
i saw it as some strange hand formation at first :)
dorothyblueeyes (Jun 6, 2011)
drawn in 1 hour 42 min
"Geographical Cure:Just Leave!I hate my Life!"
Purplemartin (edited Dec 28, 2011)
how do you get the script?its cool too. I still want to go home!
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