I didn't view the first version, but this is definitely not a "ruined" piece of art, by any means. It's very good. It's a picture of....tranquility. If anyone were naming their paintings anymore (y is that, that almost no one does, anymore?) I think you should name it "Tranquility". You should do more of this type of art.
Thanks dbe, I didn't use the airbrush at all.. I used the dodge and burn tool, on a really low opacity and flow.. then other bits of the pic, like the trees and mountains, are the high end of opacity and flow
I had my first experience of seeing the aurora borealis last month and the sky looked a LOT like this, Lori. Good to come back and look at this again. I'd forgotten how beautiful it is.
why can't ldo anything beautiful like that? hell." beauty does not become me," heh heh. cranky old ladies don't see beauty anymore, I guess. Lori, you're great! :)
drawn in 21 min
drawn in 7 min
drawn in 2 min
drawn in 10 min