boardsintermediateAnother girl

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drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Porcelain (Nov 23, 2003)
Tadaa x2.
Porcelain (Nov 23, 2003)
drawn in 14 min
marcello (Nov 23, 2003)
is she flipping me off?
but best part is her mouth. it's either really big, or more probably, dripping blood down both sides.
Porcelain (Nov 23, 2003)
drawn in 4 min
There we go.
Harmanye (Nov 23, 2003)
Good gracious, you're just churning these out now aren't you.
I count five colours, which is both ridiculous and spiffy, I love the eyes ^_^

She's missing a finger, but that not too odd with some styles, so anyway... *shrugs* heh. Still Spifficulous.
mikhail (Nov 23, 2003)
yeah well fuck u too then
Porcelain (Nov 23, 2003)
She's not flipping anyone off, damn it. X_x
Porcelain (Nov 23, 2003)
drawn in 29 sec
There. She's not flipping people off.
Lark (Nov 23, 2003)
awwwww..... purti...
elana (Nov 23, 2003)
I dont know what you guys are talking about when you speak of missing fingers and getting shot a bird...I see 5 fingers (if thats normal...) and the index finger up....
marcello (Nov 24, 2003)
she edited it, notice v3. =P
elana (Nov 26, 2003)
ZaKi_nii-san (Nov 28, 2003)
oo, nice pic dude
tappie_chan (Nov 28, 2003)
this is wonderfully graphic. this would be a great t-shirt. do you mind if i make one out of it?
Porcelain (Nov 29, 2003)
No, go right ahead! :)
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