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drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
lori (Nov 29, 2010)
lori (Dec 2, 2010)
drawn in 37 min
lori (Dec 2, 2010)
drawn in 7 min
shults (Dec 2, 2010)
lori (Dec 2, 2010)
shults (Dec 2, 2010)
hi :)
lori (Dec 2, 2010)
hi :) what is it like in Israel? I want to go there.
davincipoppalag (Dec 2, 2010)
Cool character..
lori (Dec 2, 2010)
thank you :)
shults (Dec 2, 2010)
It's mainly hot right now.. you should come :)
lori (Dec 2, 2010)
I would like that
Axil62 (Dec 2, 2010)
"I could build such beautiful buildings to house the chosen few, like an Inca in Peru."
backmagicwoman (edited Dec 2, 2010)
''If I were rich instead of poor, i'd have something amazing for you behind every door. But alas, I am not, so I implore, Will you accept my love and friendship?..For that is all I have to offer, that and nothing more.''
Axil62 (Dec 2, 2010)
Seep don, seep don, poop ka-pow!
backmagicwoman (Dec 2, 2010)
Boom boom..kookoo kachew..rootie toot too...and pootie tang boo.
lori (Dec 3, 2010)
yeah but do you guys like my drawing? ;)
backmagicwoman (Dec 3, 2010)
Oh yes indeed.
lori (Dec 3, 2010)
why thank you, I just need you to confirm that for me so I know I didn't just sit here and enjoy myself for nothing :)
backmagicwoman (Dec 3, 2010)
but of course ma dear...
Suntan (Dec 3, 2010)
I like it. Great face, but I'm not so fond of the border. :)
oneironaut (Dec 6, 2010)
I like this. It has a claustrophobic feel to it, like the background is the foreground crushing the subject in the center.

This also reminds me of a nesting doll.
lori (Dec 6, 2010)
I like you oneironaut, you're good people.
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