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drawn in 8 hours 18 min with Chicken Paint
Bacchae (Oct 8, 2010)
Never really tried chibipaint before... I'm not satisfied with the result but getting there was pure fun.
Bacchae (Oct 8, 2010)
drawn in 2 hours 21 min
Bacchae (Oct 8, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 36 min
Bacchae (Oct 8, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 27 min
Bacchae (Oct 9, 2010)
drawn in 52 min
Bacchae (Oct 9, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 3 min
Bacchae (Oct 9, 2010)
drawn in 12 min
Catiie (edited Oct 9, 2010)
Looks like clouds and an orange pearl in the middle to me..
not an egg
davincipoppalag (Oct 9, 2010)
Chibi can be fun and funky too
Bacchae (Oct 9, 2010)
drawn in 45 min
DMV2010 (Oct 9, 2010)
Chibi rocks!
shults (Oct 9, 2010)
I cannot begin to describe how great I find the first version!
The rest is really good too.
dorothyblueeyes (Oct 10, 2010)
This is beautiful ; I tried to get chibi paint to work for me,after I got the new Java,and it will not;the repairman explained,I have to use the new Java,but Chibi paint,online,will only work with the OLD ONE. So,I can;t use it, till all the oekakis update to the new Java; but Chibi paint is fantastic,it's so great for painting; I love this. yummy.
Bubblicious (Oct 10, 2010)
Wow this is beautiful~!!
elly (Oct 10, 2010)
This is gorgeous! I love the textures you have in the clouds and those colors! HOT!!
Suntan (Oct 11, 2010)
i like it, too.
vlad.the.hamster (Nov 8, 2010)
Woah, this is really amazing. I can't stop staring at it.
davincipoppalag (Nov 9, 2010)
Its really cool
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