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drawn in 1 hour 47 min with Chicken Paint
alicedemone (Sep 13, 2010)
alicedemone (Sep 13, 2010)
drawn in 56 min
alicedemone (Sep 13, 2010)
drawn in 18 min
gotta leave this for now. it's bed time for me.
davincipoppalag (Sep 13, 2010)
pretty creepy
backmagicwoman (Sep 13, 2010)
I keep coming back to this....I read a book recently called ''Heart Shaped Box'' should read has a lot of instances of whitw figures with blacked out eyes...It's by Joe Hill...which in reality is Steven King's son..check it out if you are so inclined.
Flubbles (edited Sep 13, 2010)
He reminds me of a black minstrel. Hold on that was the other way around, a black face with white eyes.
PAKS (Sep 13, 2010)
Miss_DJ (Sep 13, 2010)
creepily good.
alicedemone (Sep 13, 2010)
drawn in 16 min
alicedemone (Sep 13, 2010)
drawn in 7 min
alicedemone (Sep 13, 2010)
drawn in 7 min
elly (Sep 15, 2010)
This reminds me of Ace Frehley from the band, a way...great job on the lips!
madscientist111 (Sep 15, 2010)
Freaky, but cool draw! Fabulous eyes!
firecracker (Sep 15, 2010)
I like eerie pics, and this is eerie...:)
alicedemone (Sep 16, 2010)
Thanks guys. I was kinda upset when I drew this so I wasn't sure how it would turn out.
Pantera (Sep 17, 2010)
THis is awsome :) love the eyes.
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