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drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Suntan (Sep 5, 2010)
Suntan (Sep 5, 2010)
drawn in 37 min
Teapot (Sep 5, 2010)
Oh wow. This is like a cross between Edward Gorey and Aubrey Beardsley. And it's pure Suntan at the same time. I can't decide if I see a bride or a reveler at a masqued ball. Could even be a beautiful 14th century cavalier.
madscientist111 (Sep 5, 2010)
Beautiful work,Suntan! She is stunning!
shults (Sep 5, 2010)
Finding new suntans always make me happy. :)
davincipoppalag (Sep 5, 2010)
You always make such cool pics
backmagicwoman (Sep 5, 2010)
Its a saucy pirate wench....I love it!
shults (Sep 5, 2010)
I wonder if the hair on the left side is brown too or does it look brown only because the bg isn't white..?
firecracker (Sep 5, 2010)
Fantastic draw.....I luv it!!! :)
Suntan (Sep 7, 2010)
Thanks guys! 8D
@shults: the bg is white, I just added the swipe of color for interest. ha ;p
lori (Sep 7, 2010)
the hair looks like dreads sorta... classic Suntan
Suntan (edited Nov 10, 2010)
drawn in 19 min
little more dabbling and sending it as finished, making room.
Thanks, lori :)
Teapot (Nov 10, 2010)
Thank goodness! I'm having serious Suntan Art withdrawal. I was just about to memo you and beg. :-)
elly (Nov 10, 2010)
How refreshing this draw is and to see you too, Sunny my friend!!! ((hugs))
lori (Nov 10, 2010)
is that an added face? I'm just waking up, looks great nonetheless
Miss_DJ (Nov 10, 2010)
This is fun! I love your art!
PS (Nov 10, 2010)
I agree this is very fun to look at.
Suntan (Nov 15, 2010)
Hola! Thanks guys.....yes, @lori, I added a face because I thought it looked so blah and it adds so much, don't you think? lol..jk. Hugs back, elly.. Thanks again and Teapot..see you here soon, I've been doing a canvas! xD
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