marcello (edited Nov 14, 2003)
So here it is, the new server.
There are probably many kinks to be worked out, and I'm still testing things, but the fact that you're seeing this page means you've got to the new server! Feel free to donate to help offset the costs of the new server. :-) |
concannon (Nov 11, 2003)
*falls over laughing*
Descriptive message my ass. |
ky (Nov 11, 2003)
Good luck.
furyofroy (Nov 12, 2003)
Jasan (Nov 12, 2003)
*gives a thumbs-up*
Fin_beast (Nov 12, 2003)
*falls over throwing himself across the room while resembleing an apricot*
furyofroy (Nov 12, 2003)
FUGGIN' APRICOT!!! *shotgun blast +3!!!!!11*
rydicanubis (Nov 12, 2003)
thank you marcello, i know it's probably a big deal and a strain on your time to do this whole move.
let me just say i, and i'm sure many others, appreciate your comitment to the site a great deal thanks again... |
Doodlibop (Nov 13, 2003)
I'm right there with rydicanubis. We really do appreciate your commitment to this site and always striving for the better.
method3 (Nov 13, 2003)
Marcello sux0rz, hahaha!!!1!!!!11! 2draw is such a waste for time, liek their is no thought put into this site AT ALL! /me points shotgun up into the air, fires and goes "Yee-haw!"
I don't know what furyofroy is talking about though with that "*shotgun blast +3!!!!!11*" with the asterisks and the ones and exclamation marks and all. I think he needs to work on spelling and punctuation. PS. I was up all night doing stupid homework that I didn't want to do at all until I was forced to by being tied to a desk and slapped silly whenever I drifted off to sleep. Then in turn I have had about 3+ cups of coffee in order to wake up enough to bike to school in the freezing rain at 9am in the morning. OH YEAH! That's the stuff! |
ky (Nov 14, 2003)
But what does that and everything else past the fourth reply have to do with anything?
marcello (Nov 14, 2003)
Fin_beast (Nov 14, 2003)
*apricot does a matrix stylee* Ohh Hardy Apricot! XD
ky (Nov 15, 2003)
You lie, Marcello.
Let me ask you something. How much do you pay, monthly or whatever, for this new server? |
furyofroy (Nov 15, 2003)
Was that an impersonation of me, Method? That's not very nice.
But I'll forgive you, since you seemed to be in a poopy mood when you wrote that. Can't a guy act silly once in a while? |
marcello (Nov 16, 2003)
ky: too much. But I'm still paying for the old server at the moment, so it costs about $110/m.
fury: his sarcasm is unmeasurable. What I'm thinking of doing in addition to accepting donations is hosting websites for a semi-annual/annual fee. If enough people are interested, it can help pay for the server in a more reliable fashion (plus you get a website with your own domain, a load of shit I had to install to get 2draw working, and me as tech support ;) ). Also, though I should probably ask this on another thread, does anyone have any PC133 ram they want to donate? right now both slots are have 128 cards, but 256 is kinda low for a server, and the server'd be a bit faster with more. But I'm only asking if you have spare you don't need or can get a really good deal on some. |
joe_shmo (Nov 16, 2003)
web hosting! yay im up for that
method3 (Nov 19, 2003)
Hrm, I know you can get PC133 512mb sticks for really cheap nowadays. I can look around on newegg or zipzoomfly, but how do you know that it'll be compatible with the server? Got any specs on what it can support and stuff? (We're talking about old school SRAM or something right, not DRAM or DDR?) Also, you probably want to look for 512mb/stick so you can get up to 1GB if possible right?
marcello (Nov 19, 2003)
Ya, they said I need PC133 ram for the server. It's a celeron PIII-class. I was looking at crucial and they were listing $100 and stuff, so that depends on your opinion of cheap. :-)
I really only need 512, anything over would be nice, but not necessary. So either a couple 256's or just a 512 (would work out to 640 with one of the 128's already in there). |
joe_shmo (Nov 19, 2003)
newegg is pretty cheap it ranges from $80 to $100 [X]
marcello (Nov 19, 2003)
That's not that cheap... I know I can't afford it right now. But as I said, anyone willing to donate some, let me know. :-)
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