boardsbeginnerMy Hetalia-Self
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drawn in 42 min with Chicken Paint
JackSpicerLover19 (May 14, 2010)
Ok, this is me in Hetalia (or APH). Kentucky is the state I live in at the moment (actually I was born and raised here too...XD). "My human name is Jeanna Burton, and I love England."
But yeah, I messed up on my head...and nose...but the hair and eyes are WONDERFUL! =] Especially the background! =D
My shirt is an H2 (Halloween II, Rob Zombie) and my sleeves represent Freddy Krueger. So, KY's a horror freak...I'm a horror freak...things work out ;D
Curse you, red glasses! >3< You came out horribly! ;__; I suck...
JackSpicerLover19 (May 14, 2010)
drawn in 41 min
JackSpicerLover19 (May 14, 2010)
drawn in 1 min
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