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Showcase entry!
elly (Apr 28, 2010)
Meet Harley, an English black lab. He belonged to a very close friend of mine who just had to put him down this past Tue. The poor fella was ill with cancer and his quality of life had dwindled to near nothing. What a very, sad, sad day/week this has been for his family & friends =( This dog, like so many others, was very unique! His fav past time, when he wasn't sleeping, was to literally carry a very large, black tire around in his mouth with his two front legs inside it as he walked. This brute could even carry a tire coming out of the water while it's filled to the brim! When he'd get tired of carrying it, he'd lay it down and begin his routine of circling around and around it while licking the tire walls, making them shine as good as any armor all could! Harley also loooooved to play fetch! When his 'daddy' wasn't throwing his favorite, soggy, slobbery tennis ball for him to chase, he'd throw, not a stick, but a thick branch, as thick as someone's lower leg! Much like this one in my drawing. And we're not talking 1 or 2 ft in length either. It was more like 5 or 6 ft long usually! His daddy would throw it into the Chattahoochee River here in GA and Harley would swim out to get it and bring it all the way back to dad. When he was finally tired of that, he'd lay down in the edge of the water and begin to make mincemeat out of it! That's what he was doing the day this photo was taken, this past summer. Harley was a 'huge statement' in his family and among his family's friends, who will be missed more than anyone will ever realize! I wanted to do something special for my friend, his 'mommy' so when I found this picture, I decided I'd pour everything possible into this drawing! Even while sick, since I came down with something yesterday =(. It's all worth it tho.....I will have this printed and framed for my friend =) Although a very challenging drawing, I enjoyed drawing it more than I knew I would! RIP my gorgeous friend, Harley! I love you! =)
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drawn in 2 hours 17 min
drawn in 1 hour 49 min
drawn in 2 hours 6 min
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 46 min
drawn in 5 hours 9 min
Thanks Sunny! He had a very wonderful life, altho it was short. He was 9 yrs old. My son is VERY fond of him and I haven't had the heart to tell him because I know it would break his!! Harley was also VERY good friends with our dog, bizmarc. (Harley was rather picky about the dogs he would hang with...we felt privilaged that he loved our dog!)
Thank you kindly, Miss DJ =)
p.s..thanks for checking on me last week at fb..I really appreciate it cause it's been tough for me lately...love you.
BMW!!!! Great to see you up and about! I got a bit worried about you! Glad to know you got my inquiry! Thank you for the compliment =) You made my day! I hope things level out for you soon! Stay in touch girly! Luv u2!!
Check it out y'all, my first ever showcase =) Only took me 4 yrs! LOL! Thanks 2draw!
Axil, you got a point there.....never thought about that..hmmmm ..I wonder if those mini tire dog toys I'm seeing in the stores are made out of the same thing?? They sure seem to be lke real tire rubber...interesting..