I draw the rt eye first and always have trouble getting the eyes the same and some people have very wide set eyes, like the reference photo, but I would appreciate any advice you can give
I wish I could help, but I'm a terrible teacher and my own art isn't even that good. But I know what you mean with the eyes and such, I have problems getting them even and in the right perspectives.
It sure isn't easy, but we keep trying, I see you do a lot of faces, working with a grid helps some and I also use a see through ruler so I can measure on the computer screen
My old teacher used to want everyone to draw with those lines first, and erase as you go. Now, I am not even remotely a fan of that (which could explain my lack of ability to produce things exactly how I see them in my mind) but it could be helpful to you.
drawn in 2 hours 38 min
drawn in 6 min
My old teacher used to want everyone to draw with those lines first, and erase as you go. Now, I am not even remotely a fan of that (which could explain my lack of ability to produce things exactly how I see them in my mind) but it could be helpful to you.
drawn in 13 min
drawn in 3 min
drawn in 16 min