100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 5 hours 1 min with Chicken Paint
lynnandcharlie (Mar 17, 2010)
lynnandcharlie (Mar 17, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 25 min
I keep falling asleep while drawing and find slashes of color all over the place when I wake up
lynnandcharlie (Mar 17, 2010)
drawn in 42 min
firecracker (Mar 18, 2010)
I can tell that this is gonna look great when you finish......:)
davincipoppalag (Mar 18, 2010)
pretty scene
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 34 min
enirroc (Mar 18, 2010)
You did a great job on this.
madscientist (Mar 18, 2010)
Lovely draw! The lighting effects are really cool!:))
elly (Mar 18, 2010)
This is beautiful! One of your best so far I think =)
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
Thanks, I am having to use my phone to do this because the link is broken on my computer. Does anyone have an idea to fix this?
davincipoppalag (Mar 18, 2010)
What do you mean the link is broken? Try this.. go to google and enter your 2draw name in the search box click on one of the entries you find and see if it gets you ere on that machine..then just bookmark it.. or google 2draw .. I dunno I dont know what you mean by that..
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
I tried but it did not work so hAve contacted the geek squad and they are workinng on it remotely
davincipoppalag (Mar 18, 2010)
hope they can fix it
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
They are working on it now
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
drawn in 5 min
it took 5 hrs to find out I had a virus and clear it so I could get back on the site
firecracker (Mar 18, 2010)
I know what you're going thru.....I've had virus problems with my computer too. It took several hours to fix them. I had to call" Dell" support techs to fix it. I had to re-install my whole computer.....I hope you get yours fixed. The geek squad is very good.....they were the ones who originally set up my computer for me.
lynnandcharlie (Mar 18, 2010)
the geek squad had no luck but after being transfered to several different departments at AT&T the virus was found and it cost me $159, what a mess to have to re install your computer
TumblingUpwards (Mar 19, 2010)
Sorry to hear about all your troubles but this turned out beautifully, that glow through the trees is very nice.
lynnandcharlie (Mar 19, 2010)
thank you TumblingUpwards, I appreciate that
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