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drawn in 4 hours 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 15, 2010)
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jun 20, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min
davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2010)
VEry good.. I always love seeing that stuff too, mom always had some around in the fall.. nice memories
elly (Mar 15, 2010)
You are Good!!!! This is so fun! I LOVE the little faces in the kernals =)
firecracker (Mar 16, 2010)

Wow"!! This is awesome!! :)
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 18, 2010)
drawn in 26 min
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jun 20, 2010)
drawn in 57 min
lynnandcharlie (Mar 22, 2010)
he is not asleep, he is doing this deliberately and we are in trouble, and I voted for him, to bad we can't take our vote back, my brother tried to warn me but I didn't listen, the stuff that he tells me is going on is enough to curl my hair, watch out everyone
elly (Mar 23, 2010)
Yah, he's wide awake! I did not vote for him. I wasn't going to fall for his BULL! People that did vote for him were desperate for 'change for the better'.... There is change, that's for sure, but for the better??? I don't think so...
dorothy, I'm still fond of the indian corn =)
firecracker (Mar 23, 2010)
I like the "indian corn" version was really nice. I don't understand all this negative stuff about Obama......I can't figure out what it is that he is doing wrong.......
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jun 20, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 36 min
"The UpSide of Getting Old" (there's gotta be some,huh?) I wiped out the whole other picture, and wrote what the upsides of old age are. (if you have enough money.)

The Other UpSides of Getting Old are: (1.)No kids (2.)No periods,no hormonal junk anymore (3.)No worrying about work,or getting a job,you're RETIRED.nO ONE WILL GIVE YOU A JOB. (4.)No worrying about having to get married,chase men,do the whole man=woman-marriage,ect. chase-game. Men are no longer aware that you exsist. (5.)Your parents are dead,and not harrassing you to have kids. Your parents are not harrassing you, period. (6.)You are on the down side,sliding towards death,and it's a RELIEF. All you really have to do,is decay gracefully, take pain pills, watch all your friends die,and try to resolve philosophy of exsistance. Oh,and watch the govt. get rid of your Medicare,stop funding it,and wonder how you're going to survive without any medical care. (That has been already going on,for years,it's just getting worse.)

(7.) Choose which really frivulous and useless hobby you're going to dabble in. (I actually am learning to have a vegetable garden, grow food, repair an old house, exterminate for termites, and lodge legal complaints against the doctor who sexually harrassed me,that I did not report yet.) FUN. ----while I've been crippled in a wheelchair,and going to a chiropractor,to learn to walk again,cause I have nerve and back trouble. Yeah,FUN.

(8.)Try to make some friends,again,after the others you knew,all yer life,are dead. (9.)Watch your mother die,after you took care of her alone,for 8 to ten years,mostly alone. (10.)Feel proud, you are really tough,nasty, stubborn,and one of the few in your group to survive this far. FUN.

(11.) Read the obituaries,seeing people your age dead already,and looking at number 70, eventually,where most people die. Ask yourself, "WHY do I want to survive to 80 or 90?? Just to kick people's butts, cause revolts, watch my squirrels, wear loud clothing, and see my whole era turn into Global Warming and Ocean Dying??? NOT FUN. Wait till WW3, when all the major nations collide,in huge global war, over all the fucking OIL??? Or,wait till global plauges and starvation break out??? Till all US borders are overrun by terrorists and criminals, Goths,and Visigoths?? Or see actual Civil WAr come to the US, as inevitabley it must,in some way,perhaps resulting in huge bloody revolt of the Nation?? Overturning of govt.???Or,slaughter of revolting populace,by Govt.???"

Old person's thinking turns to,"NAHHHHH!! Death sounds preferable to THAT,SHIT!!!" No,having to go thru the above catastrophes, means you have lived way too long. Which means you have to look at :

(12.) Figuring out how you want to die. Do you wait, till your're so demented,your brain is gone, other people have to take care of you??ugh. Do you put up with horrible debilitated, feeble life, (probably with cancer,or big pain) ? Do you decide to not be passive,and take charge of your own life,and decide where,when, and how you're going to leave it?? (Read books by Kavorkian,who is not dumb,and you respect. )

HOW do you do it?? Macho, gun in mouth,men's method?? Several doses of Heroin?? (worked well for major rock stars, and drug addicts, a lot. Very dependable method.) Do you research how other people did it (pain pills and whiskey work well) and look into the most poisoneous, trees, bushes, plants,flowers,and all natural flora?? Do you buy and plant a Yew tree?? Or,just ask your sister who took Horticulture,and knows ?? Big decision,and there are several dependable, unfixable ways to do it. (Mostly flora.)

(13.) Once you have decided when and how, then you decide to start thinking about "???? What Comes Next??" Should you be scared of Death?? And then you realize, it does not matter if you dont like Death; you have no choice about it!!So,why worry?? Like,you have huge decision to NOT DIE?? ha ha. If you do not like it,you can change your mind? whew. Only decision you have is,your can be very scared,or not worry at all, or look at it as an adventure,cause energy is never lost,( are you really going to Pergatory, till your being dissolves?? )

You can decide you do not care, cause what control do you have over it?? Don 't think about it. Look at it as a resolution to all your problems you could not fix or resolve; hey,so you're still fucked up?? You had a lousy,tough life?? Alone? Bad relationships? Never succeeded in life?? CONGRATULATIONS, IT'S FINALLY FUCKING OVER WITH!!! Shakespeare was correct; "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players,and one man in his time plays many parts. " --- and now your part is over,and you can go home, see everyone you love,and not work and struggle anymore.

Who says old age is all bad?? Maybe the good part is,it gets over with,finally. You get to LEAVE global warming, dying oceans, dying animals, dying Oregon, dying environment, wars that will come, Recessions that will turn into Depressions and riots, dying United States,and dying medical treatment as doctors turn eventually into snotty, bad tempered little babies who do not know what "GI Tract" or "Spinal column" are. ---and do not know how any of it works,and don't CARE.

You get to leave it all behind, let the younger people worry about it, and refuse to be re-encarnated again, on this stupid planet,as a human being. (The worst species.) You can tell God, "Go fuck yourself, I'm not going back to that shitty planet,as a shitty human being again!! I will only go back as an ELEPHANT. " Best of all, you do not have to be YOUNG AGAIN. Who says old age is so bad,after all??? > ; ) -----sincerely, dorothyblueeyes, an old Codger
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