well, it's gone, but i will comment for your other one anyway because i thought it was fantastic. I thought the comment you left on it was equally wonderful. It felt to me oddly connected to what your son is studying. like that subject pervaded your subject. It was great, I hope you saved it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he/you already know about these but;
read the book, Night by Eli Weisel? It's about the Holocaust through the eyes of a 15 year old, may be too old for your son, but read it anyway.
look at the documentary and all that it includes of "The Paper Clip Project" http://whitwellschoolmiddle.org/homepage_pc.cfm?id=78
drawn in 1 hour 21 min
drawn in 2 min
actually, I love everything about this painting.
well, it's gone, but i will comment for your other one anyway because i thought it was fantastic. I thought the comment you left on it was equally wonderful. It felt to me oddly connected to what your son is studying. like that subject pervaded your subject. It was great, I hope you saved it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he/you already know about these but;
read the book, Night by Eli Weisel? It's about the Holocaust through the eyes of a 15 year old, may be too old for your son, but read it anyway.
look at the documentary and all that it includes of "The Paper Clip Project" http://whitwellschoolmiddle.org/homepage_pc.cfm?id=78
Good job :)