boardsintermediatesmolder in pink
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 3 hours 1 min with Chicken Paint
Teapot (Feb 21, 2010)
spent 45 minutes trying to make the background look the way I wanted. :P
Teapot (Feb 21, 2010)
drawn in 33 min
Teapot (Feb 21, 2010)
drawn in 20 min
Teapot (Feb 22, 2010)
drawn in 26 min
Teapot (Feb 22, 2010)
drawn in 48 min
Teapot (Feb 22, 2010)
drawn in 3 min
backmagicwoman (Feb 22, 2010)
Very very the hair and the print dress..
Flubbles (Feb 22, 2010)
The background looks good, it's coming along nicely.
lynnandcharlie (Feb 22, 2010)
beautiful work
firecracker (Feb 22, 2010)
looks great so hair is cool!! The background looks great!! :)
cpomaybo (Feb 22, 2010)
love this
TumblingUpwards (Feb 22, 2010)
Now this is beautiful, she's softened beautifully with just a bit of bright contrast. I definitely like the look of this piece.
madscientist (Feb 22, 2010)
Lovely drawing! She is very pretty!:))
Teapot (Feb 22, 2010)
Thanks everybody. I'm trying to learn to quit fussing so much. Old habits die hard.
vlad.the.hamster (Feb 22, 2010)
I love how it looks like a faded print.
davincipoppalag (Feb 23, 2010)
Beautiful drawing for sure
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 23, 2010)
your coloring and hues are beautiful.sublime.
elly (Feb 23, 2010)
Has a nice vintage feel to it..LOVE the overall color scheme and textures. Nice work!
Teapot (Feb 23, 2010)
drawn in 48 min
Suntan (Feb 23, 2010)
ah, smolderin' pink, you mean. Very lovely. It does have a vintage, faded feel to it. I like how much warmer it is in this v as opposed to the last one. The body positioning in v3 is different than v4..I like it better, though I can't quite figure out if she is standing next to a stool, on her knees. Gorgeous hair!
Teapot (Feb 23, 2010)
Thanks. Yeah, I did warm up the colors some. I wanted it to look a bit faded and old fashioned but don't think I accomplished that. In the ref photo (which I didn't follow much at all except for the pose) she seems to be kneeling next to a chair. Could be interpreted as rather suggestive, I guess. I'd kill for that hair.
Miss_DJ (Feb 23, 2010)
nice work, teapot. the dress pattern is great, as well as the texture.
firecracker (Feb 23, 2010)
"Wow"! This is totally awesome! My fave part is her gorgeous red hair.....nice draw! :)
Roytje (edited Mar 28, 2010)
Nice work.
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