boardsbeginnerAnd even though they don't know it
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drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shults (Dec 28, 2009)
All mankind are now your brothers.
The more I listen to regina, the more I enjoy her music. She has a brilliant way of pronouncing.
shults (Dec 28, 2009)
drawn in 56 min
shults (Dec 28, 2009)
drawn in 59 sec
Suntan (Dec 28, 2009)
not really a fan of hers...but this is really cool. Very cool brushwork.
shults (Dec 28, 2009)
drawn in 5 min
Suntan, I've learned to love her weirdness. I'm currently listenning to the same part of this song again and again.
davincipoppalag (Dec 28, 2009)
I don't have any idea who that is, but I like your drawing
Suntan (edited Dec 28, 2009)
Yeah, I've tried...I dance secretly in my bedroom. I can't to her. ;P * Edit*..or it could be in the kitchen or the car..anywhere, really. I didn't mean for that to sound like pole dancing or something. hah. I just like music I can move to.
OK..this looks simply outstanding now!
Flubbles (edited Dec 28, 2009)
I quite like the spektor, she's got quirky lyrics.Although in this song when she sings "I loved you first" it sounds like she's singing " i love to fart".Whats this a drawing of?
firecracker (Dec 28, 2009)
I never heard of Regina, but this is kind of a cool draw though.....:)
davincipoppalag (Dec 28, 2009)
I rather like her! thanks
backmagicwoman (Dec 28, 2009)
I love this's very interestingly cool.
shults (edited Dec 28, 2009)
@davinici- :D
@Balls- It's like when Amy winehouse sings "I've cheated (shitted) myself". :D

I'm not sure what this drawing is of, it sorta came out.. to me it looks like a leafy plant.
Flubbles (edited Dec 28, 2009)
"Shitted" you should get yourself some incontinence pants girl.
Miss_DJ (Dec 29, 2009)
I like this a lot and Regina sounds unique, too. I like the lyrics.
shults (Dec 29, 2009)
Does it come in skirts too?
elly (Dec 29, 2009)
The colors are brilliant! Cool design too, especially the 'leafy' part...I'm not familiar with Regina either but I'm gonna check the link =)
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