If you know the color wheel very well then the dodge tool is kinda useless.
Well, that's just me. xD;;; Do what you want, everyone has different ways to choose the right color. <:
oh man, I remember burning this slight part on my photo then one corner of the pic was black fff. D:
Well, yea. All dodge really does is make the colors lighter and more saturated, so if you know it well enough, then it really wouldn't be useful. Or at least, not in that way?
I only use it when I don't really want to reblend a color in, lol.
When I was burning my photo, you could see three different layers of darkness, orzzz
Cos I left it still to run the timer, and to stop it >>;;;
yeah, but with all the new editing programs out there, it can be alot easier changing the lighting.
EDIT: Wow, you've improved alot since you time here. I really love your improvement.
It inspires me. <3
drawn in 1 hour 25 min
drawn in 1 hour
-Goes to work-
while you do that I should draw here nng.
What're YOU drawing?
But yours is totally gonna look cuter than mineeeee
You always make things lovely and shiny @w@
It's so stronggggg >o<
Well, that's just me. xD;;; Do what you want, everyone has different ways to choose the right color. <:
oh man, I remember burning this slight part on my photo then one corner of the pic was black fff. D:
I only use it when I don't really want to reblend a color in, lol.
When I was burning my photo, you could see three different layers of darkness, orzzz
Cos I left it still to run the timer, and to stop it >>;;;
And we're talking about rl burn tool on black and white photos, so we don't have to worry about that `v`
EDIT: Wow, you've improved alot since you time here. I really love your improvement.
It inspires me. <3
drawn in 2 hours 46 min
-Takes a quick break-
drawn in 1 hour 23 min
Feather bothers me, I may go back and fix it >>;;;
drawn in 53 min
Actually, I only worked a bit, but got up and walked off, forgetting I had it open. Whoops >>;;;
drawn in 39 min
Wasted most of this time playing OM with Mel, orzzzz
I sleep too much ):
-Nods off-
drawn in 14 hours
That sorta upset me. 'Specially since I woke up reallyyyyyy late ):
drawn in 23 min
ughh just when i promoted to "dabbler" you become an "artist". :'C
-Didn't even notice-
Poor gooeh ;D; Now I feel SO BAD, OTL ||l|
umm so doing anything today? :C I'm gonna spend my day with my tablet since I probably wont use it anymore after tomorrow.
I hope I get my position back as Addict. <3
Not really. I'll just be going 'round, if I run outta stuff to do, I'll prolly end up playing sevens`~`