boardsbeginnerNinja! <Unfinished>
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 7, 2009)
I have never used anything do draw on the computer before but i find it very fun! this is an unfinished picture I thought up and i know it isn't great but it is no where near finished at all... I need to redo facial structure etc. can anyone give me any tips on how to colour and shade properly?
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 7, 2009)
drawn in 31 min
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 8, 2009)
drawn in 24 min
still getting used to the different tools...
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 8, 2009)
drawn in 36 min
Hey can anyone explain how to blend and color more effectively?
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 8, 2009)
drawn in 21 min
I don't know if i am doing this right that is why i keep stopping i hope someone else can tell me if it is since i have never used anything like this before!
squeakyshoe (Sep 10, 2009)
Maybe you'd find a different applet easier to use?
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 11, 2009)
is it that bad?
Rose_Of_Infinity (Sep 11, 2009)
drawn in 14 min
.. It's getting to the point where I may give up or even cry lol
squeakyshoe (Sep 11, 2009)
No,no. I didn't say that. You said that you'd never done this before, right? So maybe Lascaux isn't the right applet for you to start with. I find Lascaux pretty confusing D:
enjoydotcom (Sep 11, 2009)
Lascaux is actually a lot less confusing than the others available. Just stick to it and you'll learn it easily enough.
brokenrose (Oct 14, 2009)
You should use oekaki or chibi paint :D
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