thanks, I want them to have a different name than goobah... maybe once I figure something out, I will do something with them...idk..all takes energy.. I need a new DA name too 'cause remember that other person had the same one? only with THE in front of it?
idk... and whatever I choose for these won't be put online, 'cause it'll get stolen -.... they'll never be anything but gifts I guess... the way I've always kept it
they are The Giftoons... a very large family, all unique :) my mind's made up, I only give 'em to family and friends -LAW- signed and dated 08/28/09 lol
drawn in 50 min
drawn in 1 min
'Ol Bucko-O Giftoon was down to his last can of condensed milk.... woe is he, woe is he.
I love yogurt for's scrumpdiddlyumptious!