I also think you should build up a good background in life drawing before trying to make a manga. It's really just kind've impossible to ever make one that anyone besides your friends will want to read unless you have experience. Thats why I only doodle. I'm saying this not to upset you, I legitimately want you to try building your skills up. This is really just me trying to encourage you.
At some point your gonna have to accept that your not the best artist in the world...like i accepted im not the best glockenspiel player in the world.You see people go on american idol all the time convinced they can sing...because there mom or granny told them they could...it does'nt mean they actually can.
I'm actually unable to get over myself. I'm rather inflated XD. I do this thing where I compare age and skill and it's really just awful and I'm still a stupid little kid for that reason. I known I'll never be the greatest artest in the world. I don't think I'll ever be in the top 500 living artists at any moment of my life. I hope I'll be able to be happy with people liking me anyway. Until then, I'll try to enjoy my youth.
I started to "fix" the lines. just the hair though. Not much has changed -_- I think I actually liked it better before. Hopefully a positive final result.
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drawn in 1 hour 3 min
drawn in 1 hour 7 min
drawn in 8 min
drawn in 20 min