forums2draw.netOn the browse screen
Bubblicious (Apr 18, 2009)
it says :
PHP UWARNING in mod_sql.php:272.
SQL error 3: Error writing file '/tmp/MYr88fl1' (Errcode: 28) (query:
SELECT network_users.user_id,entry_id,board_id,username,entry_title,entry_rating,entry_version,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(stage_date) AS stage_date,entry_stage,entry_multiuser
FROM 2draw2_entries FORCE INDEX (stage_date) LEFT JOIN network_users USING (user_id)
WHERE (entry_stage>=3 AND entry_stage<=4) AND entry_type="image" AND ((board_id>=1 AND board_id<=3) OR (board_id>=5 AND board_id<=11) OR (board_id>=15 AND board_id<=17) OR board_id=19)
ORDER BY stage_date DESC

» Latest Submissions

PHP UWARNING in mod_sql.php:272.
SQL error 3: Error writing file '/tmp/MY2YuFZf' (Errcode: 28) (query:
SELECT network_users.user_id,2draw2_entries.entry_id,board_id,username,entry_title,entry_rating,entry_version,comment_text,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(stage_date) AS stage_date,entry_stage,entry_multiuser,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_comment) AS last_comment,2draw2_comments_revisions.user_id AS last_comment_user_id
FROM 2draw2_entries FORCE INDEX (entry_showcase_last_comment) LEFT JOIN 2draw2_comments_revisions ON last_comment_id=comment_id LEFT JOIN network_users ON network_users.user_id=2draw2_entries.user_id
WHERE (entry_stage>=3 AND entry_stage<=4) AND comment_count AND entry_type="image" AND ((board_id>=1 AND board_id<=3) OR (board_id>=5 AND board_id<=11) OR (board_id>=15 AND board_id<=17) OR board_id=19)
ORDER BY last_comment DESC
Is something wrong with my computer for it to be doing that? Or is it the page or something?
davincipoppalag (Apr 18, 2009)
I got that too.. but it still works if you click on latest submissions..dunno whats up with it
Bubblicious (Apr 18, 2009)
Sweet it's gone :D
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