boardsintermediateDA MOUSE COMIC
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drawn in 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pencilhero (Apr 14, 2009)
Man its hard to make a comic with mouse lol XD
Can u believe i spend 20 mins for the dialogs i guess thats what it means to be in an "Writer Block"
The comic actually its a football comic lol XD
the next pages might improve if i "acctually" get my tablet back "from the awesome service" they have.
Anyway i hope to get my tablet before 2012 ^__^
thats all folks >_<
pencilhero (Apr 14, 2009)
drawn in 48 min
davincipoppalag (Apr 14, 2009)
I hope you get it back before your hand turns into a claw!
Axil62 (edited Apr 14, 2009)
If I may be so bold as to suggest some changes in your dialogue.
It needs to flow and be properly punctuated.

Frame 1. "This story begins with Michael, a college man who leads a rather interesting life."
Frame 2. "Michael is having quite a year, his best yet. Good grades, a house and a position as center forward on the football team."

Remember, good dialogue can carry mediocre/poor artwork in a comic, good artwork almost never carries bad dialogue.
(I've already edited this dialogue 3 times)

Just a suggestion.
pencilhero (Apr 14, 2009)
Your right XD i ll edit it later XD
lol i am really bad at english :-p
pencilhero (Apr 14, 2009)
drawn in 10 min
all credits go to axil62 for posting the corrected dialog
thanks man ^___^
firecracker (Apr 14, 2009)
Very cute comic strip.....I hope you add more! I used to read tons of comic books when I was a kid.....:)
Axil62 (Apr 14, 2009)
No P R A blamando!
pencilhero (Apr 14, 2009)
pienso que usted lo mecanografió incorrecto O____o
Bubblicious (edited Apr 14, 2009)
Wha dont understand what you are saying o.O ANYWAY, cool! And 'Writer's block' is a pain in the ass, seriously. Scuz' my french, but it is! Trust me, try pulling out a 5 thousand word chapter for a story out of your ass... -_-
backmagicwoman (Apr 15, 2009)
Geez..can u imagine the paper cuts you would have.ouch!
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