Gigandas (edited Mar 15, 2009)
Let me just start out by saying that the Grayman character and the rigging are not my work (as I got them as a part of this assignment).
We were supposed to take Grayman and pose him in different dynamic scenes interacting with nurbs spheres, polygon cubes, and cones (minimum of one each). I just had some fun with this particular project, so I wanted to share my results: -Scene 1 -Scene 2 -Scene 3 |
QTgillie (Mar 15, 2009)
Not sure I understand the process but I like what you have done with them.
Gigandas (Mar 15, 2009)
Basically, all the students were given this pre-rigged stick figure (Grayman) to work with:¤t=GrayMan.jpg Since he is pre-rigged, what we had to do was to play with all his joints (what you see in the image as squares and triangles) without actually deforming the figure, while conveying dynamics, action, weight, etc accurately. Think of it as animating a character for a pixar film, but designing a single still scene. |
davincipoppalag (Mar 16, 2009)
That's pretty cool Niel
lori (edited Mar 16, 2009)
great work... I keep wondering where it is you'll go from school. Any ideas? Will the school help connect you with work?
HiroDaZero (Mar 16, 2009)
I've worked with Autodesk, 'cept it was an architectural version.
Flubbles (edited Mar 16, 2009)
Im thinking it will take him straight to lego world. Lego sheep
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