boardsintermediate"Captain Jack" and the "Black Pearl"...
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 23 hours with Chicken Paint
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
"Captain Jack Sparrow" (my favorite pirate)....and his "mate" are looking for the "buried treasure"...."LOL"!! I hope they can find it!! :D
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 32 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 24 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 16 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 41 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 16 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 30 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 23 min
firecracker (Feb 25, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 1 min
firecracker (Feb 26, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 19 min
firecracker (Feb 26, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 21 min
firecracker (Feb 26, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 48 min
firecracker (Feb 27, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 5 min
firecracker (Feb 27, 2009)
drawn in 3 hours 3 min
firecracker (Feb 27, 2009)
drawn in 2 hours 27 min
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 35 min
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
drawn in 13 min
davincipoppalag (Feb 28, 2009)
(should be rated Arrrrrrr) Great atmosphere
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
drawn in 10 min
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
drawn in 13 min
QTgillie (Feb 28, 2009)
your lighting is great. the foliage is awesome. wow, fire, you outdid yourself here. the detail on the boat...very nice. this is an outstanding piece. the only thing I question is the texturing on the sails and thier shirts looks a little contrived in comparison to the reality of the rest of the piece. i really like this a lot!
PS (Feb 28, 2009)
Nice atmosphere
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
Hi "DaVinci", and "Gillie", and "PS".....Thank you all very much for your nice comments....I really do appreciate it. "Gillie".....I just added the texture to the sails, because I thought that might make them look better.....but I guess you're right....a real pirate ship wouldn't have textured sails......I might try changing that. Also their shirts.....I might try changing them make them look more like pirate shirts. Thank you very much for your comment, and for pointing those things out to me......I always appreciate constructive helps me to learn what I'm doing wrong, and to try to do better. I'm really glad that you all like this picture, and thanks again for all of your comments. :)
gel_o (Feb 28, 2009)
These pictures of yours just get better and better firecracker. Amazing!
QTgillie (Feb 28, 2009)
hope I am not offending but....I would try just smudging the textures just a little....not doing all of the area but parts and see what that would look like. Not exactly sure, but I think that might work, you can always undo if it doesn't do the trick. thanks fire for not getting mad at me, but this piece is sooooooo good otherwise.
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
drawn in 10 min
Suntan (Feb 28, 2009)
I don't know how you do it, firecracker. I could never stick to something for so long. Bravo to you. :)
Miss_DJ (Feb 28, 2009)
I agree with QT. It's a fantastic piece, but the pirates look a bit like they were just 'placed' onto the gorgeous background. Bravo for your persistence in the time it took to create this one, wow!!
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
Hi "Gillie".....well I tried smudging the sails a wee bit......I think it looks better....what do you think? I didn't do the shirts yet....I'll try that later. Noooo, I never get mad at anyone for giving me "constructive criticism".....I appreciate any suggestions, or criticism from anyone on my draws. That's the only way to find out what you can do to make your draws better. "Thanks"!!! :) Hi "Gel-o", and "Suntan", and "MissDJ"...thank you all for your nice comments...I really appreciate it. "MissDJ".......I didn't really spend as much time on this draw as is "posted".....I dilly dally around so much when I'm doing a draw.....and I leave the computer to do other things, then I come back to the draw....and so on and so forth...."LOL"!! It did take me a long time to complete this draw though....but not as long as is "posted". Yeah....I agree with you about the pirates.....they do sorta look like they were placed there......but I don't know how to "fix" that. I don't know where else to put them. Captain Jack is standing amongst all the foliage, and the other pirate is kneeling there, holding onto the torch. Do you have any suggestions of how I can fix them? I don't think I can do it..."LOL"!! I'm just glad I'm done with this was makin' me crazy!!! Thanks again for all of your comments....I appreciate it. :)
Pantera (Feb 28, 2009)
Very pretty and well done :)
firecracker (Feb 28, 2009)
Thank you "Pantera" for your nice comment....I appreciate it. :)
gloworm043 (Mar 1, 2009)
Wow...this is really good...well done....:)
firecracker (Mar 1, 2009)
Hi "Gloworm".....thank you very much for your nice comment....I appreciate it. I still might do some more work on this picture......but I'm just too tired to bother with it now. Thanks for your comment!! :)
firecracker (Mar 17, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
firecracker (Mar 21, 2009)
drawn in 56 min
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