boardsspritesHappy Bunny

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drawn in 29 min with PaintBBS
Doodlibop (Oct 15, 2003)
I'm not very good with pixels and stuff, but I think they are fun and cute so I thought I'd give it another try. She is Happy Bunny, the sunflower rabbit from Spring Valley.
Doodlibop (Oct 15, 2003)
drawn in 29 min
raenboe (Oct 15, 2003)
*pokes* Awww! It reeks of Kawaii-ness! ~^_^~
Jasan (Oct 15, 2003)
Ohh, that's so cute! ^_^ How precious!
nyao (Oct 20, 2003)
AWWW!! SO CUTE *hugs bunni*
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 21, 2003)
Haha this is just dripping with cuteness. Now try drawing the other type of Hppy Bunny, :P
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