WHACK....such violence! This is adorable. That kitty is having a great time I think. Love the perspective of the head and the close up view and composition. Do you have a touch of yellow-green in that white fur, or are my eyes getting as bad as I think they are?
Thanks y'all. Wish I could've done the ref justice on this one....QT, your eye sight is still fit as a fiddle! There is a very slight hint of yellow/grn there. =)
I knew this had to have been yours! You always have the greatest eyeviews to your drawings. This one is really nice and so cute. Makes me go awwwwwwwwwwe when I look at it. Love the playful fun this kitty brings out in it.
drawn in 10 min
drawn in 2 hours 25 min
drawn in 2 hours 6 min
drawn in 11 min