Bwa, nifty. The background somehow reminds me of the setting of some book... er, I think it was a book. Dinotop-something. ~_~ I used to have it on tape. Yes. *cough* Like his shoulder markings especially, and the moonish thing on one cheek.
'Cello. If you can figure out how all those could possibly mate, I will pronounce you God. Or something.
drawn in 3 hours 41 min
I mean this is just scary, honestly :) it's like a cross between a dino, a human, a canine of some sort, and a mop
drawn in 21 min
'Cello. If you can figure out how all those could possibly mate, I will pronounce you God. Or something.
That last comment cracked me up!
Its really nice and smooth!
I dont get how you can just make a creature up like that and make it look so good!