Date of Birth:
Mar 6, 2004
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a mugger leaping into a warm termite, right now? Or a monumental ewok scratching a weak toilet? Or a modest mexican wearing a sleeping pez-dispenser? Or a stud skimming under a red criminal in the name of cheese? Or a football slashing into a French dork under water? Or a car slapping an enormous serial killer with a sledge hammer? |
Ooo! ^_^ It's so cute! -Saves it randomly-
Mar 10, 2004 |
Hehe...This is so me! ^^; Except...I usually end up accidently killing my pets in the end. lol. So h...
Mar 10, 2004 |
Ahh! =^_^= So adorably cute! <3
Mar 10, 2004 |
Omfg! o_o; That is just...too...cute!! ^^;;;
Mar 10, 2004 |
Open. ^^; I like leaving the eyes blank sometimes...I think it shows kind of...an empty body. Like.....
Mar 8, 2004 |