Date of Birth:
Aug 12, 2005
Last Access:
Apr 24, 2013 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing an academic maniac blundering with a monumental golf ball literally, right now? Or some wine chasing a thirsty flounder with a knife? Or a tail-less train thinking? Or a freaky golf ball wearing a modest bear metephorically? Or a confident ant skipping around a football? Or a horseman running without a tasty stud at lightning speeds? |
To Maiko: There may be other left-handed users on here, but in order for a left handed person to dra...
Mar 29, 2006 |
To Maiko: Considering I can only do this with my mouse (I don't have a tablet) and this is my first ...
Mar 23, 2006 |