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Public Boards/Beginner 
taori (May 10, 2003)
Aside from a zillion anatomical mistakes and all the little problems with mouse-using, I'm reasonably happy with least it has a background, eh? 8D
4 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited May 10, 2003)
the girl looks beautiful. she is your semi self portrait? but what is the other semi? >;)
great drawing >:)
quitelacking (edited May 10, 2003)
why only semi? oh well. background is rainbow-licious. =D
taori (edited May 10, 2003)
Only semi cuz I have glasses and freckles and I don't have bangs. However, I'm forehead-impaired so I felt it would be safer to stick in bangs...and then I didn't want to risk trying to make glasses and freckles, since my glasses are dark red, oblong, and Georgio Armani. Heh heh. Complicated. 8D
raenboe (edited May 10, 2003)
Dang you're good at profiles! I can't do profiles for beans. Great pic!
drawn in 16 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 10, 2003)
Been listening to Harvey Danger's "Authenticity"..originally this was a goof-off, playing with all the tools in the applet, but I sorta liked its nonsequiter weirdness. Well, I get to go see Knockin' On Heaven's Door'll be the first time in English! w00t!
1 comment – latest 1:
quitelacking (edited May 10, 2003)
That's terribly sweet. ^_^ The text's kinda blurry...
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 15 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 9, 2003)
This is me, being frustrated because I suck at this. If you watch the animation, you'll see that it started out as a piece o' shiznit pic of Spike. Believe me, it looked much, MUCH better in my drawing pad. And this is what happened when I couldn't do it here. Well, guess I'll go to bed now.
4 comments – latest 4:
quitelacking (edited May 9, 2003)
it just takes a while. don't get discouraged. eh, i'm a n00b too, let's be friends. (hopeful look)
darkk_angel (edited May 9, 2003)
wow.... love the eyebrows;)
quitelacking (edited May 9, 2003)
(squints at eyebrows) Oooooh.
Xodiak (edited May 9, 2003)
you know that super angered look is so SEXXXY! >:P~
hehe funny drawing! >:D
drawn in 23 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 9, 2003)
*Screams, pulls hair out* This was so good! Then I had a little accident with the fill thingy and utterly destroyed it and I didn't fix it didn't occur to me until too late to use the "undo" I decided to make it look kind of like the thingy in the beginning of Bond movies, just for kicks. Grr. *Sigh*
2 comments – latest 2:
quitelacking (edited May 9, 2003)
your second one today. oekaki is addictive.
darkk_angel (edited May 9, 2003)
very cute, but the hair and outfit could use some touching up... and the background could be made better! just some suggestions, taori... i like the eyes, though! or eye;)
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 9, 2003)
Okay, this was more me having fun playing with colors than anything...and even so it came out crappy because it didn't start out as a sunset so the traces of blue in the background make it oogly. Oh well, it was a good time.
2 comments – latest 2:
Tesia-chan (edited May 9, 2003)
quitelacking (edited May 9, 2003)
like a hallmark card.
drawn in 21 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 8, 2003)
Alright, this is my first time drawing online, so be nice please! I know, I know, it's crappy and unfinished and there are fifty bazillion anatomical and just stupid mistakes, but I'm sure I'll improve with time. Try to find some good points, eh? o_O;;
5 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited May 8, 2003)
she bleeds from her breast and shoulder! <:o
quitelacking (edited May 8, 2003)
normal bleeding can't look like that. it's a shirt-bra thng, right?
Xodiak (edited May 8, 2003)
I was only kidding, sorry quitelacking... Xod likes the drawing! >:D
taori (edited May 9, 2003)
Ehehe! Yeah, it was gonna be a shirt thingy, but I got lazy and didn't fill it in. Whoopsy. Guess I should do that, huh? Heeey, I should try drawing blood and see how it comes out...I can do it with a pencil...ho HO.
drawn in 23 min with OekakiBBS
taori (Jun 24, 2003)
Just a little experiment...I think it failed.
drawn in 27 min with OekakiBBS
taori (Jun 24, 2003)
Idea box. "An evil pumpkin kissing a Japanese celebrity in circles." The celebrity is supposed to be Miyazaki, but I forgot his mustache. Plus it looks nothing like him. But don't you get a kick out of his hair? I always do...
drawn in 17 min with OekakiBBS
taori (Jul 18, 2003)
I'd say he cheated on her. Ooh, is he gonna get it now.

(Erm..that gray thing is supposed to be the front of his shirt. Sure doesn't look like it. I can NOT shade clothes right.)
drawn in 33 min with OekakiBBS
taori (Aug 9, 2003)
My head flying off...the background was supposed to have a shatter-y effect, but I'm not sure it does. Anyway, that picture I was working on is dead, thanks to a misunderstanding between myself and layers. Rawr. I'm gonna go delete it now. (Please, don't be three days old...please...)
drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
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