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Registered: Jul 12, 2005
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Random Profile Comment
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.

Suring you could be drawing a scary dork slicing an artist while throwing up, right now?
Or the freezing devil sneezing?
Or a green singer taking off a hot box under water?
Or maniac catching an unfortunate wall in circles?
Or an Italian tin can hacking a nose-less blouse?
Or an incredibly funny soccerball flying under a pig with dignity?
thumbnail I'm telling yuo what this looks good with it unfinished. *claps* Very good job <suzie>
Aug 12, 2005
thumbnail Its very bright if you ask me. Thats a good thing and a bad thing. But nice job <RyadicalEdward>
Aug 12, 2005
2 Forum Posts