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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
strangeoid (Dec 21, 2004)
In honor of finally getting my license.
This canvas seems like a behemoth to me. o.o

Gaw-lee, the proportions on this are hard. I will, however, fight with this until this is awesome.

EDIT: Three and a half years later, it's still sitting in my studio. The original reference was an old advert that I had framed, and lost in a move. If anybody wants to have a wack at it, you're more than welcome.
5 comments – latest 4:
GoldDragonfly (Jul 26, 2008)
you are doing a great job here, i would love to see it finished, and even more if you dont have the original ref :O
Flubbles (Jul 27, 2008)
If i had the ref id give it a go, because im not the greatest at drawing cars from my head lol
Aakyra (Aug 5, 2008)
This is great! I will be checking the progress on this, and congratulations on getting your license!
tollstrup1693 (Jan 28, 2025)
Nice job
drawn in 10 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
strangeoid (Dec 14, 2006)
Thinking chilly thoughts.

It doesn't snow here.
2 comments – latest 3:
psychofox0 (Dec 14, 2006)
I like how the background fades into different blues...O_o
IkariIreuL (Dec 15, 2006)
looks like a pic from some old sckul game.
strangeoid (May 31, 2007)
drawn in 7 min
Every so often I get really tired of leaving things unfinished.
drawn in 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
strangeoid (Feb 7, 2006)
We're painting watercolor landscapes in Art.

I was inspired.

No reference used. And the sky is purple-ish because I say so.
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Feb 11, 2006)
This has the feel of one of those old chinese scenery paintings.
DoOp (Mar 6, 2006)
sweet landscape ;D it;s soooo, i dunno, realllyy reallyy interestingly awesome *_*
drawn in 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
strangeoid (Jan 7, 2006)
Comments and critique welcome.

Just some girl I thought up. The hair was fun. The eyes still don't line up right. I may or may not fix that later. : /
1 comment – latest 1:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 7, 2006)
I like this, the pose and the sketchiness of it. I like the way the lines kind of seem to flow in the same direction, like they were all wind blown or something. (I think the eyes are fine)
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
strangeoid (Jan 2, 2006)
Practicing with my new tablet and the plugin.

So nifty. Photo ref used. Actually, it was my desktop background.

And why do the good ones always get taken away?
2 comments – latest 2:
Thjalfi (Jan 2, 2006)
It's because the man says so.

Hmm. Who is it?
... Nice folder name, bee-tea-double-ya.
strangeoid (edited Jan 2, 2006)
Why, it's Cedric Diggory! The most attractive Hufflepuff ever.

I should have made his eyes further apart. : /
drawn in 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
strangeoid (Nov 25, 2005)
... Without a serious bodice.
5 comments – latest 4:
DoOp (Nov 28, 2005)
elegace is realllyy in haha i love this time period too =3 great job loookks prettyyy=d
Felistorm (Nov 30, 2005)
Kewl! I love the hands on this!
strangeoid (Nov 30, 2005)
drawn in 9 min
Rofl. Guess what I almost forgot?
tollstrup1693 (Jan 28, 2025)
Nice job
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
strangeoid (Nov 22, 2005)
My friend Ken's OC. Face and hair based on Vincent, FFVII.

Feel free to litter it with comments and criticism!
6 comments – latest 4:
hideyourface (Nov 25, 2005)
the colouring style in the background is way too different compared to the front. And uh, not too great anatomy.
JK-Arts (Nov 25, 2005)
Yea' I too, agree he has the anatomy of a Dragon ball-z charactor. DBZ is the first thing that comes to mind when i see this.
strangeoid (Nov 25, 2005)
Yeah, but could you tell me what I might do to improve that?
I know his left forearm is funky, and that his waist could be lower... but I'm not positive I'm right.
JK-Arts (Nov 25, 2005)
I think that the line work is a bit scrachy, but it may be to lat to improve it. i don't know Lascaux to well so not sure how to help you there, I use shi and the pen tool is best for lines with that one.
I like the colors you used.
drawn in 5 hours 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
strangeoid (Oct 18, 2005)
I sketched my outfit today. Isn't it cute? What really pulls it all together is the sash I'm using for a headband, but you can't see it very well due to my angry/frustrated/disappointed pose.

Yesterday was the unlickiest day ever. Driving to school, my car was hit by a truck. Minor damage, but I was late to school and then in a hurry, and I forgot to lock my car. While I was in school, the radio/cd player in my car was stolen.

The only good thing that happened to me today was getting that back. Thank God for school security. And I thought they were just for decoration. ^^;;

I might make this prettier if I can find the time. Till then, it is unfinished.
1 comment – latest 2:
strangeoid (Oct 21, 2005)
drawn in 16 min
Okie. Just had some fun with the words.
It gets to stay ugly. I like it better that way.
Unhappy thigns shouldn't always be pretty.
Gigge (Oct 22, 2005)
Aww, strangeoid. I'm sorry to hear about your car. Glad you got it back though. You should draw a 4-leaf clover or horseshoe to give you some luck. :)
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
strangeoid (Sep 11, 2005)
I used to be deathly afraid of drawing anything even remotely nude, so this is my first time even attempting it. Honest criticism is most needed/wanted. <3
6 comments – latest 4:
strangeoid (Oct 2, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min
Kind of cheaped out on the background.

And the timer's about an hour off, total.
Queen_Asheer5600 (Oct 3, 2005)
For a first attempt at drawing a nude your got it down pretty nicely. Although my own crit would be that the breasts would be sagging down more, if a female is laying on their side (Without support that is) then the breasts would sag down ever so slightly (Basically they will be lowered down towards the floor).

I haven't been drawing nudes for very long (Traditionally not CGed) so I am still new to them myself but thats the only hint I can give so far.
cartoon_worldz (Oct 3, 2005)
not really look at the shoulder its upwards so it would stretch the breast upwards and as for the lower one its not not gonna sag because of the upper shoulder its correctly done if you want ill have my girl sammi pose like that naked and send u the pic! great draw here!
IamaCunt (Oct 3, 2005)
I love this, no lie :)
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
strangeoid (Jul 25, 2005)


Many references used. Calling it finished, ran out of space - computer was being evil, and had to send the last revision in early.
2 comments – latest 3:
raise.hell.xiii (Aug 9, 2005)
you should write....* im with stupid* on the head...he.....
freefall (Aug 9, 2005)
hehe, this is well done. my brother watches that cartoon. avatar, right?
strangeoid (Sep 11, 2005)
drawn in 7 min
Yup, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Best Nickelodeon show I've ever seen.
drawn in 5 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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