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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Anna (Dec 18, 2004)
For Maram.
24 comments – latest 4:
kejoco (Dec 22, 2004)
anna, this is absolutely fantastic.......
i want this for my wall!
davincipoppalag (Dec 22, 2004)
Miss Anna is getting soooo good.
laurael (Jan 6, 2005)
Beautiful hair, girly! Anna's 'been' good...yep!
Miss_DJ (Dec 22, 2009)
and then there's anna...amazing gallery
drawn in 4 hours 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Dagan (Dec 18, 2004)
Nightmare's challenge.
15 comments – latest 4:
DinoFlorist (Dec 18, 2004)
Oscar....why are you a 'DVD pirate' as opposed to other sorts of pirates? I dont get it, but it intrigues me....
Xodiak (Dec 18, 2004)
Because he rides a DVD ship of course! >;)
marcello (Dec 19, 2004)
dagan: tried google? =P
Dagan (Dec 19, 2004)
Nope. I've been too lazy.
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zack (Dec 10, 2004)
going for a stroll down the block

edit: this turned out way too cutesy. gross.
edit redux: btw, Marcello is the guy who came up with this character. so. fyi.
19 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Dec 20, 2004)
awee :3 so cute.... XD Zack I knew you were the cute type of person *cackles*
DinoFlorist (Dec 20, 2004)
I've seen that domo-kun guy (he is the brown twinkie with sharp teeth, right?) but what the hell is he from?
staci (Dec 20, 2004)
aaaaaaaaahahah i told you he was a twinkie :D (chocolate)
Ty854 (edited Jan 11, 2005)
This robot owns. I hope it is the mascot! It kinda reminds me of the Fhqwhgads robot on Homestarrunner.
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zinc (Dec 17, 2004)
reference used.
8 comments – latest 4:
Justin_Sane (Dec 20, 2004)
I was so saddened to hear some Nutter with a Gun had ended Dimebags life and some other innocent bystanders......what a sheer waste of life and talent.......Pantera were my Fav Group in the late 90's and i had the privelage of watching them live when they came over here to play........They were awesome as per much aggression and power in their was sad to learn of their demise as a band (got pretty nasty towards the end apparently) .i just hope now the remaining members can bury the hatchet and move on ......RIP Dimebag ............
Maiko (Dec 20, 2004)
:\ RIP d00d...
cheer up mister 'mando :\ *petpetmolest*
brainspiller83 (Jan 4, 2005)
rest in peace dimebag. metal won't be the same without you!
inatyrb (Jan 4, 2005)
I think what that guy did was wrong and selfish. I mean come one, he could still make music with the other band. Oh my, I'm playing music with other people, kill me now. That's completely wrong. RIP man... RIP!
drawn in 3 hours 50 min with PaintBBS
Angry Face.
marcello (edited Jan 18, 2005)
Ok. I'm posting a new rule. People who don't make an effort to type, spell, and write properly will start getting their comments deleted. Same goes for image descriptions. What does this mean? It means actually writing out words in complete, such as "you" and "too." It means learning the difference between "your" and "you're." It means not sounding like a complete moron. Thank you.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (Dec 17, 2004)
they are fun
25 comments – latest 4:
foxman8245 (Nov 25, 2007)
hehehe... too cool!!
M. (Jun 27, 2008)
lol! i didn't know zombies like balloons XD
klm21 (Jun 27, 2008)
thats a bit scary but i like it very well drawen!!!
davincipoppalag (Apr 2, 2020)
Still creepy
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
spiritdweller (Dec 16, 2004)
this is really friggin bad
5 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Dec 16, 2004)
She is so naked! It has nice feel to it Lori, it's not bad.
sincity (Dec 16, 2004)
Naked on a blanket. Outside, must be a beautiful day out. Very nice. It's not that friggin' bad Lori. :}

xwindflyer (Dec 17, 2004)
This guy was walking through the woods and came to a clearing, where he saw a naked lady laying on a rock, sunning herself. He asked her,"are you game". She replied, "well,..yes I am". So he shot her. Nice moody picture.
staci (Dec 17, 2004)
her form and her pose is very natural and isnt friggin bad. you just have to seize those colors and throw them on the canvas and stand with your hands on your hips and yell, "AAAAAAAAAHAHAHHA YOU WILL GO WHERE I SAY AND LOOK AWESOME". then they will! then sometimes they laugh and walk away
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
staci (Dec 16, 2004)
and wait
10 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 16, 2004)
My magic is kinda like Aunt Clara's was on "Bewitched"... it takes me forever and then it's all screwed up and then I have to fix it. heh.... I like this picture, ma'am.
Kloxboy (Dec 16, 2004)
She's cute, nice technique.
Childlike_Vampire (Dec 17, 2004)
Ooh, who is she, she's hot. Her pouty lips make me want to kiss her. *mwa* lol. :P Very pretty drawing, realistic and such. I <3 teh high contrast especially.
davincipoppalag (Dec 29, 2004)
I see my comment is missing on this one too! I sure don't know how that happens. This was great for the time you spent, your talent just oozes out all over the place.
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GundamWing (Dec 16, 2004)
Its a Festavist for the rest of us!!!!!!!!!
3 comments – latest 3:
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
this is cool
staci (Dec 16, 2004)
haha festivus :) that description alone is worth it
Knockoff (Dec 17, 2004)
drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
marcello (Dec 16, 2004)
"Now that you're 21, we thought the best thing to get you was a car."
"That's a bitching meatcar you've got there cap'n, but you're supposed to drive on the right side of the road."

Happy Birtchday Zack.
7 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Dec 16, 2004)
ahaha ahaha hahaha! These pictures are all cracking me up. You are bloody awesome.

hey babeh. check out mah sweet rims. got a full meat tank and nowhere to go...

p.s. ty Connie
concannon (Dec 16, 2004)
Welcome Zack. *exaggerated wink*
sincity (Dec 16, 2004)
He has the wheels, now he gets to cruise for chimps, er uh, Chick Very cool.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 16, 2004)
Happy Birthday Zack. Nice "minkey" Marcello.
drawn in 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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