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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||||||||||||||||||||
it's a couple =D
– latest 4:Dromophobic_o.o : Seme broken-lock14: uke XD |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 25, 2006)
My fox character, Ruby relaxing =3
101_Torchic_101 (Jun 26, 2006)
(0,0) Shiney hair! I like it. SHe's a very cute character =P
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Jun 26, 2006)
Backstabbed_and_broken (Jun 26, 2006)
i just love the way you color all your pictures,so shiny =0
ssmario100 (Jun 26, 2006)
I love FURRYS!!! I need to learn how to draw furrys like that. This is my favorite pic! ;3 |
(Jun 25, 2006)
boys in hats are where it's at
solve (Jun 25, 2006)
I just realized who you were. Hello B! Nice to see you here.
Trip-Machine (Jun 25, 2006)
:> |
(Jun 24, 2006)
just three of my many strong pokemon. gonna put some info about them just for the heck of it.Tauros/Tauros: Lv: 100. Gender: male. type: Normal. Timid Nature. HP: 280. Attacks: Earthquake, Fustration, Take down, Body slam. Zangoose/Zangoose: Lv: 100. Gender: Male. Type: Normal. Naughty nature. HP: 301. Attacks: Brick Break, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Solarbeam. Bobby/Absol: Lv: 100 Gender: Male. Type: Dark. Doctile nature. HP: 291. Attacks: Future Sight, Razor wind, Bite, Slash. EDIT: ok! just so you all know. My Absol is named after my bf. and I know that if the attack is the same type as the pokemon it's stronger. I DO NOT CARE! I choose sertain attacks (for example Zangoose) to be able to take advantage of other pokemon easier! but that dosen't matter much.. my pokemon are able to kick their ass in on hit. end of story.
Shanghai (edited Jun 24, 2006)
you actually named the "disaster pokemon" that shows up whenever a catastrophy is about to happen "Bobby?" No way, not nearly menacing enough. And what's with giving him bite? Crunch has a higher power level and is the same type of move. Future sight isn't a move I ever use. I like to hit immediately not wait a couple turns to do the same amount of damage as a lot off other moves would have done right away. Remember that pokemon are more effective at using a move that's the same type as them, especially if they're a pure type (a pure dark gets a 1.5 bonus to dark moves and something part dark and part something else gets a 1.25 bonus). So your zangoose isn't taking advantage of his normal type at all since you have fight, fire, electric, and grass moves in that order and none of them are the same type as him. Lastly, if you want to teach earthquake to a pokemon I'd suggest only teaching it to one that's immune to ground moves -and- that gets a bonus from using them (such as flygon who's technically flying and unaffected by ground plus part ground type and gains a 1.25 bonus to using that move).meh.. done
solve (Jun 25, 2006)
They should be having sex.
101_Torchic_101 (Jun 25, 2006)
XD lol. Nice picture. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 25, 2006)
Ba deepy ey deep padeed ba dipady sleep ba dity deep.. ZZzzzzzz.. sleepy sleep..ZZzzzz.. Sheepy sheep.. Zzzzz
solve (Jun 25, 2006)
good expression nice teeth
davincipoppalag (Jun 25, 2006)
It's Yarrow the Yawner!....and a perfect likeness too
TaCO (Jun 25, 2006)
???yarrow??? Did you make that up??All my art looks how I feel when I'm drawing it. I drew this so I wouldn't fall a sleep. When I see people yawn I yawn, so I was yawning the whole time I was drawing this. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 25, 2006)
Ha Ha! |
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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 23, 2006)
Lessee.... I left this one running a couple times to eat... and just take breathers. I'd guesstimate I was probably working on it for about... 5 hours.... which I guess is kinda sad, since it's just an oekaki. Oh well... I've always been a slower worker.Not finished... still some things that need correcting...and it's imperfect besides. this is another Ouran High School Host Club fan piece. The two boys are the Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru, and the girl in the middle is Haruhi. Too tired. @.@ *passes out*
Backstabbed_and_broken (edited Jun 24, 2006)
the girl reminds me of the girl from a show on adult swim..i forget the name
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jun 24, 2006)
Ménage à trois in the High school cafeteria? ;)
xiau (Jun 25, 2006)
Gahh, such gorgeous coloring <3 The parts I love most are the eyes and faces. You have such a pretty style :DOuran High School Host Club was one strange manga XD; I never got to see the anime, though... ._.;
dietsoda (Jun 25, 2006)
Wow this pic is soo cool. I love the colors, esspecialy on the clothing. |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 23, 2006)
blah, been too long
emmamommalag (Jun 24, 2006)
I didn't notice the skull until I looked at version 1. Nice picture.. feels like summertime. Welcome back.
cyclops (Jun 25, 2006)
thanks everyone O)
Sexorcist (Jun 25, 2006)
i agree nice picture i really dont no you but welcome back lol
Sweetcell (Jun 25, 2006)
Nice to see you back Cyclops. That skull cloud is so cute, or is it a skull moon? |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 23, 2006)
songs....when I was a little girl that I made up as i went along... the notes, the lyrics, I didn't care who heard me, it was pretty, and I made it up. I used to wear my hair just like this, I braided it myself. Sometimes I still fix my hair like this but i wish I still had it in me to sing made-up songs.
Pseudonymous (Jun 25, 2006)
I love how this makes me feel.
Rosemary (Jun 26, 2006)
i used to fasten my hair like that too :) (and yeah still do sometimes lol) lovely drawing
Miss_DJ (Jul 11, 2006)
she (you) are lovely! You still have the songs....you just need to get quiet enough to hear them inside of you.
ginny_91 (Nov 28, 2006)
that is such a cool hair style. Very cute, and once again it's very realistic! |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 22, 2006)
hopes and dreams
davincipoppalag (Jun 22, 2006)
This reminds me of a face I saw on a playbill for Les Miserables somewhere. There's a sort of haunted , hollow look in the eyes. <puts another checkmark next to Staci rocks on the list.
kejoco (Jun 23, 2006)
Must be the eyes, but she reminds me of Christina Ricci
Tsukiko (Jun 25, 2006)
woow i love this! it looks like as if it were on a papyrus or an old canvas it reminds me something from the past the eyes are so beautiful
kiketsu (Jun 27, 2006)
woah. O.O very cool |
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2draw.net © 2002-2025 2draw.net team/Cellosoft - copyright details - 0.61sec (sql: 39q/0.36sec) |
drawn in 2 hours 34 min
[I know this isn't a proper background........shhhh. XD;; ]
I love it. :3
I like the rose very much! I can't draw roses at all :<
Great job you too =]]
(aww! seme giving a rose to uke?? XD that's new to me o_o)