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Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 8, 2007)
the orriginal http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/57953/.. and this is easily the hardest perspective of a dragon I have ever done. |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Nov 11, 2006)
Since I enabled the pressure-sensitive thingy, I feel I draw more freely. Unfinished for the time being (I am leaving many unfinished drawings.... I promise I'll finish them, nosferatu, the sax player and this one).--------- Ok, this is not finished... I got bored.
Sweetcell (Nov 16, 2006)
A new Deino masterpiece, sits and waits for the finish.
Kayos (Jan 10, 2007)
so dark and evil. awsome. finish it man!
fleeting_memory (Jan 12, 2007)
ok I've seen this somehwere before here-I'm sure of it-maybe it was just something close-its like having dejavu but you cant figure out what the dejavu is-anyway its an awesome picture-props :)
nyao (Aug 8, 2007)
:D i like~ i think he's a pretty monster, heehee |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 7, 2007)
Trying out the new gradient tool, I'm gonna do a bunch of these, I love this tool. Used some wingdings for the background just for kicks.
davincipoppalag (Jan 7, 2007)
This looks like that actor Hume Cronyn.. very cool
TheCrimsonKing (Jan 8, 2007)
It's almost like watching fireworks. The navy blue to midnight blue gradient is awesome.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jan 8, 2007)
This is really awsome Kloxboy........:DReally pleasant to see such wonderfull pictures from you.....one more thing how can I use the text tool in any of the programs.......8* I just can't get it........X* ..............Logging of Lore.V............
solve (Jan 8, 2007)
lol this was made for you! |
(Oct 30, 2006)
i just felt motivated. i'll finish this later-you know what? theres nothing more i can do for this, so im putting it as finished-
iamawalnutt (Nov 1, 2006)
luv the manga style
fleeting_memory (Nov 2, 2006)
makes me think of Princess Peach and her umbrella lol.
Arique (Jan 2, 2007)
OOh, i really like your color choice and the dress fringe!
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 5, 2007)
This is great anime style art. I'm really digging on the perspective of the background and the folds in her skirt. ^^ |
(Dec 27, 2006)
" I don't need a bigger mega M&Ms. If I'm extra hungry forM&Ms, I'll go nuts and eat two. " ~George Carlin~ |
(Dec 23, 2006)
(0_0) I WAS gonna draw a girl..(X_X) But I'm just too used to drawing gay/pretty guys all the time! <3..So..yeah..Needs to finish fis hair..and the ruffles on his dress (>w<)..EDIT : I know, It's not finished, but I just need to go draw something else really quick..I'll finish this soon!!!
Pieperson (Jan 20, 2007)
woah_pockster (Mar 4, 2007)
lol@uguyz. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 21, 2006)
Okay, this is seriously getting annoying. I understand that you might really like a character. I do too. But why do you have to hate a character? All characters are good. you should at least have a good reason to hate someone. I go to any anime website and see a whole bunch of "Sasuke sucks" and "I hate Gaara." What the heck did Sasuke do to make so many people continuously say that they hate him?? He's a good character just like the others. There's nothing wrong with having a favorite character and talking about how you like the character. But you dont have to hate another character. example: My ex-friend always talked about how she hated Gaara and always talked badly about him ever since the Gaara/Lee battle. What's the point?? It doesn't matter if you hate someone. If you really like a character, that's awesome for that character. But you shouldn't talk bad about other characters because someone else might really like the character your talking about. You think they're gonna like how you're dissing their favorite character? No, they're not. So, what i'm trying to say is don't make fun of, or talk badly about characters you don't like. Cuz how would you like it if someone were talking bad about your favorite character?
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jan 24, 2007)
I know Senchi I was messing with you..........:DI knew it was just a jocke, I kind of remembered about the thing you said about Archer and it made me laught alot, I always love to play around with you.......>:D Solve: In some point anime have been sucking in some sort of way, but in many cases there is still anime that have that stamina and style that I just love and haven't lost my love it..........>:D But any ways every body has their own oppinion.........:] .........Logging of Lore.V..............
senshi (Feb 15, 2007)
Everyones got their own opinions. yes.I love anime, I think it's awesome. Lots of irrelavent comments on here. ... Archernator ftw
Sweetcell (Feb 16, 2007)
Lord, it's gettin repetitive.
senshi (Aug 15, 2007)
...repetitive ftw |
(Dec 17, 2006)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Dec 17, 2006)
The happiest, happiest drink I ever had was fresh, lukewarm bottled water after being fried by the relentless Texas sun in the Gulf of Mexico and unintentionally sucking down ocean saltwater for hours and hours. Fresh water is a HAPPY drink. I wish I had a coffee cup that smiles at me. Then again, never mind, there are these morning people that smile at me while I'm getting my coffee, and I have this urge to throw the pot of scalding coffee on them. On second thought..no, I don't want a happy cup. How about a scowling "leave me the hell alone" (at least until you see this cup bottom side up) coffee cup for me? Got one of those? :D....Seriously... got one? I need it.And... did I ever tell you that sometimes I like you? And sometimes I don't because I wish I had red hair and you have some and I don't? Okay... just so all of that is out in the open. :)
lori (Dec 17, 2006)
that's ok darlin'... :) hahaI will make a scowling cup for you too... any cup with coffee in it is a happy cup to me!
jooniper (Dec 19, 2006)
mmmm. need coffeeeeeeee.i love this.
lori (edited Dec 19, 2006)
thankies, help yourself :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 14, 2006)
a_blue_orange (Dec 15, 2006)
oo neato
nekopon (Dec 15, 2006)
thats pretty cool :D *poke*
HunterKiller_ (Dec 15, 2006)
I dunno what 'candy flipping' is but this is a nice painting. What attracts me most are the uh... what would you call 'em... grids?
Sweetcell (Dec 16, 2006)
I don't know what it is about this picture that's attractive, the colors you used or the wonderful shell like object above right, but it's one of my favorites. Makes me think of candy sculptures. |
(Dec 13, 2006)
Pseudonymous (Dec 14, 2006)
Wow...I'm stunned. Those teeth...The realism and yet fantastical nature of this...the hideousness and beauty...the juxtaposition of all the various elements that make this so unique...I'm dumbfounded.
IkariIreuL (Dec 15, 2006)
that is some of that pics from you that have this weird and evil atmoshere, not just the character but the entire pic ... w/ this 'blur' and stuff.
cianteed2 (Dec 16, 2006)
This is SOOO gross. I mean it's an awesome AWESOME drawing but it's probably going to give me nightmares.
Sweetcell (Dec 16, 2006)
To me for some reason, maybe because of the red lips, he looks like an evil skeletal clown. Ya, nothing worse than an evil skeletal clown. Love the wierdness that comes out of your head. |
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and sweetcell, study away.. but if you want a short cut, watch lots and lots of sci-fi movies and stuff.