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Public Boards/Beginner 
franksfatuglybeotch (Dec 1, 2004)
Frank tells everyone down at the office he's happily married.
3 comments – latest 3:
spiritdweller (Dec 1, 2004)
a p-whipped man has to grow some balls
sincity (Dec 1, 2004)
Yep , and then they end up me. <:}
davincipoppalag (Dec 1, 2004)
He grew balls, but she's wearing them in her hair..
drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Cloxboy's Drawing Progression
Kloxboy (Dec 1, 2004)
I thought it might be fun to show you how I've progressed with my drawing through the years. Below are links to sketches from 1992-2001. They're just sketches, nothing finished and most of them suck but I think you'll see the progression. I have over 60 sketch pads I could scan from but these are from the pads I could get to, most of them are stored away. I drew a lot of cartoons and monsters in the beginning. I didn't take drawing seriously till I was about 16 years old. Included in these d...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Toan (Nov 30, 2004)
Not done yet obviously. Gotta go to class and don't want to risk my mom accidently closing the window. It's Kadaj from Advent of the scenes from the trailors where he's talking to the kids.

This was done for the contest over at
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 30, 2004)
Apparently the anime world is populated by effeminate men? This looks like a woman to me..
Toan (Dec 1, 2004)
^-^ Yes yes...the anime world is definitly populated by many effeminate men. Including the gaming world as well.
Maiko (Dec 1, 2004)
but femme guys are teh secks!!
Nice I like the hair It looks like it took some time
drawn in 1 day 22 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
p3ndragon (Dec 1, 2004)
I've been sick for two days already..
Partially inspired by Nightmare..
I had an original concept, but I scrapped it because I'm not good enough to draw what I want sometimes ;__;
4 comments – latest 4:
sincity (Dec 1, 2004)
Always shoot for the moon, even if you miss it, you will land among the stars. - Les Brown- Hey I dig this. :}
Anna (Dec 1, 2004)
I like the way the end of the road looks. Very bright and nice.
DarkOne311 (Dec 1, 2004)
thats awsome
davincipoppalag (Dec 1, 2004)
Feel better!!
drawn in 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Anna (Nov 29, 2004)
11 comments – latest 4:
staci (Nov 29, 2004)
thanks sweet people. :) woo 29
davincipoppalag (Nov 30, 2004)
Happy Birthday miss attention to 29...seems like only 2 weeks ago for I am....
Xodiak (Nov 30, 2004)
Happy birthday Staci! <:D
Knockoff (Dec 1, 2004)
Hope you had a great one Stace. ;P
drawn in 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
brainspiller83 (Nov 29, 2004)
It's an evillish tomato...with a face and a goatee!!!
12 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (Nov 30, 2004)
hehe reminds me of Clox
Asridaein (Nov 30, 2004)
Nice tomato. very cool brainspiller.
Ty854 (Dec 1, 2004)
This is my favorite tomato yet.... you rock.
RIKG (Dec 1, 2004)
The coloring great, the way you did it gives it a texture. :D
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Knockoff (Oct 29, 2004)
29 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Nov 30, 2004)
Freakin awesome!
Knockoff (Nov 30, 2004)
Thanks all for the wonderful commets :D. I like it too, seems different from my usuall.
sincity (Nov 30, 2004)
It is different, yet not. I see all the abstract work in it, and it is wonderful. Awesome job! :}
RIKG (Dec 1, 2004)
I love the gold background. Makes the character stand out soo much,. You and your awesome coloring.
drawn in 3 hours 48 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
sae (Nov 30, 2004)
Hello everyone. ^^

I just did a simple picture about some birds they're flying into the sunset.
Hope you like it.
7 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Nov 30, 2004)
=O.... oooOOOOoooo prettyful... *drool*
davincipoppalag (Nov 30, 2004)
Very pretty colors. I would like it even better if the clouds weren't so solid round looking..
emmamommalag (Nov 30, 2004)
Yes, it's very pretty and I'd like it better if the clouds weren't so blurry. Lovely colors!
sae (Dec 1, 2004)
Thanks for all the nice comments! ^.^
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
thug (Dec 1, 2004)
these guys will never be catsup
6 comments – latest 4:
Majikoopa (edited Dec 1, 2004)
Why is everybody drawing tomatoes? I like it though :)
Xodiak (Dec 1, 2004)
One of them is a vampire tomato... hehehe! Nice! >:D
davincipoppalag (Dec 1, 2004)
Yea..these guys can take Heinz on and win! Great faces mr thug
sincity (Dec 1, 2004)
Now THESE ARE the real killer tomatoes! Ain't no one messing with these boys/ girls/ things , fruit/ veggies....forget about it! :}
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
dootchan (Nov 30, 2004)
breast cancer.
3 comments – latest 3:
sincity (Nov 30, 2004)
Man, that is freaky. Me Ex girl is having surgery this week. Relly sucks. I didn't get all the info, because of our situation, but it is a tumor of some sort. She is going to update me. I wish her all the best.<:{
Xodiak (edited Dec 1, 2004)
Poor breast... <:(
If you type "mastectomy" in goodle image search, you can find some very unpleasant pictures... |:o
p3ndragon (Dec 1, 2004)
XOD, there are some things you don't need to share with the rest of 2Draw, XD.
I have a feeling you have been everywhere on the internet..
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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